forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

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(My cat)

HTH%ESF Its ADroable!


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~Beginning Sentances~
Yes = Ja | No = Nien | I'm sorry = Es tut mir leid | Please = Bitte | Why = Warum | So = Damit

Fuck = Scheiße | Shit = Scheisse | Damn = Verdamnit

~Greetings and Departures~
Hello = Hallo | Goodbye = Auf Wiedersehen / Bye = Tschüss | Morning = Morgen / Goodmorning = Gut Morgen

He = Er / He's = Er ist | She / They = Sie / She's = Sie ist | They're = Sie sind | Me = Mich | I = Ich | It = Es / It's = Es ist

~Sweet Things~
Cute = Niedlich | Adorable = Bezaubernd | Love = Leibe

Cat= Katze
Dog = Hund
Rabbit = Hase
Animal = Tier

Morning = Morgen | Night = Nacht- | Afternoon = Nachmittag / Noon = mittag

~Random Atm~
My = Meine
Come = komm
On = Schon
Queen = Königin
Good / Well = Gut
Morning = Morgen
Leave = Verlassen
Alone = Allein

For plural words add "E" to the end of it unless it ends with "E" already, in which you add a "N".

(My English To German DIY Dictionary)

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