forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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…………….i-i…….. ;-; why….. why do you judge me?

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@HighPockets group

Yeah, I love Shakespeare! A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet, Macbeth and looks at smudged writing on hand Romero and Janet

Puck: [playing the flute]
Oberon: hey do you take requests
Puck: sure
Oberon: stop

My name is Puck And wen its nite And round the world I mak my flite
To find luv’s blossom Once again -
I squeeze the juce.
I curse the men.

Hamlet: I am not a murderer!
Hamlet: Okay, technically I am.
Hamlet: Not even technically. Literally.
Hamlet: But I refuse to be defined by the one time I murdered somebody!!

Hamlet, covered in blood: Sooo… how many people do you have to kill before it’s considered a crime?
Horatio:…One. One person.

Deleted user

Yeah, I love Shakespeare! A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Hamlet, Macbeth and looks at smudged writing on hand Romero and Janet

Puck: [playing the flute]
Oberon: hey do you take requests
Puck: sure
Oberon: stop

Everyone ever who listens to me play my flute

@HighPockets group

The human brain is amazing. It functions 24/7 from the day you were born and only stops when you sit down to do some writing and drawing.

Writer problems: trying to figure out how many chapters you’re going to stall until An EventTM

Being a writer is lying in bed at two am, waiting for sleep, only to be met with two new characters, clarity for a plotline, and an entire scene concept for a novel that isn’t your current project.

Writing is hard, yo. Like you gotta be an actor, a director, an architect, a historian depending on what you’re telling, a psychologist, and on top of that all you gotta be eloquent and draw people in. Writing is hard, because it is everything

Can I just skip to the part where my books are popular and adapted in tv shows and movies?

I write book
I finish book
I publish book
Book is critically acclaimed
Hundreds of thousands of copies sold
I write several sequels, equally popular
Series is turned into super popular TV show run by creative people who respect the original work.
They allow me to take the prettiest costume home if I want.
Book wins Pulitzer and Hugo and Nobel Lit Prize.
Show wins 14 Emmys over 10 seasons.
I wake up one night.
I just found a better way to write that scene in chapter 3 of book 1.
I can never edit it.