forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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Reprogram OR Destroy PAM
Enter the doorway on the west wall of the Railroad HQ to find P.A.M. in the next room. Decide whether you want to hack P.A.M.’s program, or destroy the robot. To reprogram P.A.M., use the computer terminal nearby to access P.A.M.’s mainframe. Load the P.A.M. Decryption Program holotape that Proctor Ingram gave you, then select P.A.M. Decryption Start.

@PurplePartyTiger language

(This is from that forum-game-thingy. I misspelled pony)

Writing again? Oy, here I go

I like to make weird references in my stories. Vodnik the amphibious spirit, Abbot and Costello, obscure plant names, things like that. (It's weirder when they're in the spoony stories)

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@PurplePartyTiger language

(Fine X) This is a story I'm working on, an MLP: FiM fanfic. )

The Story of Moon Spark
This is the story of a young Unicorn filly, the younger sister of a very powerful magician. .
She and her parents live on the edge of the Crystal Mountains, where there is a small village, which prospers due to the large amount of gems that can be found there. Travelers come and barter for these precious jewels, and when they return to their own hometowns, they sell them to ponies who want them. ‎But the village is hard to get to, and so they don't get visitors terribly often.
Unlike her older brother, little Moon Spark does not immediately grasp the fundamentals of magic. Her mother and father harass her for it, as they hold her up to high standards. This is also partly because they hadn't planned on having her.
Though she isn't very good at magic, she is good at something else – inventing.
She has a knack for figuring out how things click, and how to make her own 'clickers'. Various kinds of metal could be found in the mountains, as well as scraps in the village from various devices or trinkets. She makes things, and shows them to the local fillies and colts. But a minor accident one day causes her parents to forbid her to play with the foals.
However, her passion for inventing draws the attention of a local Unicorn colt. He sneaks to her house after not seeing her for several days, and finds her by herself in the backyard. An assortment of gears, cogs, springs, and other such things surround her. She is very adept with her hooves; fixing the tiniest of pieces to each other without using her magic. This fascinates him, and he settles down to watch her work.
After a while, she notices him.
He asks her why she doesn't use her magic to help with the tiny pieces, and she admits that she isn't very good with magic. He smiles, and tells her that he isn't, either.
After a while, the colt tells Moon Spark about himself. His interests in thinking, planning, and strategy. ‎They discuss their hobbies and such, and soon, they are planning secret meetings for the future.
They meet from time to time, comparing interests, teaching each other, and forming a cute little friendship.
Moon Spark's father keeps a herd of mountain sheep and, as almost no one else does, he takes pride in the fact that ponies come to him for much-needed wool. Such things are indeed brought in by travelers, but her father's sheep are – easily accessible (for want of a better description).
On a hot, breathless evening in the mountains, Moon Spark's father orders her to take the sheep to graze in a secluded pasture not far away. She has only done this a few times, but feels confident in her ability to keep track of the sheep.
As she stands gazing down the mountainside while the sheep roam, clouds gather above her, and the air turns chilly. Soon it becomes dark, and Moon Spark must return home, before she cannot see to lead the sheep back.
She lingers for a moment, though, allowing the gentle rain that has come to spray her face. Eyes closed, she imagines how her next meeting with her new friend could turn out, not knowing that his family decided to leave the mountain village, taking the colt with them.
Rolling thunder stops these thoughts, and soon she is scrambling to lead the sheep home.
A low rumbling from above starts, growing louder and louder, until it cannot be dismissed as more thunder. A mudslide roars down the mountain, heading straight for Moon Spark and the sheep.
She just manages to dive out of the way, and there is a fleeting moment where she is horrified, angry, with herself. A normal Unicorn would have used their magic in some way, and would have saved them…
With a mighty crash, the wave of mud slams into the shelf of rock she had been herding the sheep across, sweeping the flock away. She stares after them in horror, choked bleats and screams echoing in her ears.
When the wave passes, and she is able to safely cross this path, she stumbles home, dread building inside as she wonders what her father might do when he hears about the lost flock. Whether or not it was her fault was debatable.
She enters her house, dripping wet, head hung low. When questioned as to the well-being of the sheep, she is silent, then mutters, “I-I lost them.”
“What do you mean, ‘You lost them’?” her father repeated, his voice dangerously quiet.
“They’re gone. They-they fell down the mountain.”
For a moment, her father silently fumes. With an angry snarl, he ignites his horn, and an aura appears around Moon Spark's mane. He jerks his head, dragging the filly to her room by her mane while she struggles and screeches. He throws her in, and hisses, "Think about what you've done." He then slams the door shut, locking her in using a magic spell.
Deeply hurt, she sat in the middle of her room, the rain that soaked her coat forming a puddle beneath her. So much had happened in the past hour, it weighed on her. Her eyes were dry.
In her despair, she did not notice a low hissing sound…nor did she sense something amiss…
A sparkling purple mist crawled across the floor behind her, creeping close to her flank. It seeps through her skin, and she suddenly felt it; she raises her head, and her green eyes are glowing.
In front of her, she can see a dark figure. It looks like a magician, a dark and very handsome stallion. He tells her that she doesn't deserve to be locked away like this, not with the power she has. She drinks in every word, and when the magician leans in close and says that he can help, tears finally fall from her eyes.
He turns into a whirling cloud of purple smoke, and the cloud envelops the young Unicorn. When the smoke clears, she is standing, and her expression has changed. No longer does she look sad and confused; rather, she has a curious, calculating look.
Her glowing eyes narrow.
Her horn ignites, without a trace of effort.
She decides to leave her room, and steps up to the door. Without thought, she made the door dissolve into shadows.
She makes her way downstairs, where her mother and father are getting ready to go to bed. Her horn started to crackle statically.
She wasn't sure what she would do, but she had to confront her father. That much was certain.
But in confronting him, she becomes extremely, irrationally angry. Small bolts of lightning shoot out of her horn in every direction, and her father, terrified of this power, shoves his wife in the path of an oncoming bolt.
Her mother lay on the floor, her body occasionally giving a spastic twitch.
Moon Spark stared at the body for a moment, before turning to her father. He immediately started to run, scrambling out the front door and running for his life. With a frustrated grunt, Moon Spark followed him, speeding to the door and stopping for a moment, watching him run into the village, yelling.
The ponies in the village heard him yelling. They came out of their houses and leaned out their windows, watching him barrel past. Then they all felt their fur stand on end, and their skin started to prickle.
Moon Spark trotted after her father, eyes narrowed in anger. Massive lightning bolts blasted through the surrounding houses, occasionally hitting a bystander and frying them to a crisp. Terrified, the villagers ran every which way, as the little mountain village was completely destroyed.
Standing at the edge of the chaos, watching her father flee down the mountain, she heard the voice of the ghostly magician. Telling her to follow him.

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C=Me/Connie T=Torin M=Maria

C: i believe we should stop spamming this for maria


C: cat? we have a cat now?

T: damn it… the 'H' key is sticky

C: but i like having a cat with you…

M: 👆Gosh y'all already planning kids 🤦XD

T: pure embarrassment