forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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(woahhh that's…interesting)
I breathe in the musty scent of the barn, and then clear away the brush that blocks the good old teleportation plate. I slide my school bag off of my shoulder and onto the plate, and once it’s gone, I follow suit. The familiar E.O.S colors flash, there’s a burst of light, and I’m in the chilly yet home-like shuttle. I breathe in the smell of sanitation and technology and step off of the plate, collecting my things so I can get to my room.
I’m almost to the corner of the hallway when I hear a thud and a shout of surprise behind me. I whip around on instinct, and drop my bag in my own surprise.
It’s Jackson.
I run over to him, careful not to get to close…just in case.
“J-Jackson? Is…is it…really…you?” I stutter, my breath catching. This was not supposed to happen. This was never supposed to happen. This is all my fault, he shouldn’t be seeing this, everything is ruined…
I helped him up quickly, and shut us both in a large, walk-in janitor’s closet.
“What are you doing here?” I hissed.
“What am I doing here?” Jackson exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes. “Celeste, I was just…teleported…!” He grabbed my shoulders urgently. “Celeste, please, tell me what is going on. I’m…scared.” What could qualify as tears began to well in his eyes.
“Okay. Okay.” I take a few deep breaths, wondering how I can dull all of this down for him. “Okay. Well…you were teleported.” I confirm.
Jackson nearly jumps out of his skin, but lets me finish.
“You need to go back…now. You cannot tell anyone else about this, okay? This wasn’t supposed to happen. It was never supposed to happen. You…everything is ruined…” I murmur softly to myself.
“How am I supposed to keep this a secret, Celeste? I was just teleported! And more than that…how is this…normal for you?” He’s still panicking. Oh, gods.
“I can’t tell you.” I whisper, seeing the fear in his eyes. “I wish I could. Gods, I wish I could. But I can’t.” I look down in shame.
There’s silence in the storage closet for a while.
Instead of calling me something nasty and storming out, Jackson shuffles his feet and begins to whisper.
“Celeste…I…I was going to tell you something…today…but honestly, I’m not sure if I should anymore. Is…if this is some sort of seperate life, then maybe I shouldn’t.”
I gulp. “I know this is a lot, and maybe, someday, I can explain it all to you…but for now…you can tell me. It won’t hurt me, whatever it is.” I tell him softly, my heart speeding up.
“Okay, well, um…” He stalls, lowering his head. “God, this is awkward. Um…well, maybeIlikeyou.” He took a deep breath.


Why am I planning out every possible scenario that could happen with me going to a convention that I probably not go to, and calculating how much it would cost and seeing how long it would take me to save up, how to save up, what I’d do to save up, how much money I earn for a certain chore per hour, what my convention priorities are, who I would want to take to it, if I want the Gold or Silver package, if I can get enough money for either, which photo op I would want to give up, if I want to cosplay or not, how much the cosplay would cost, what would happen at the convention, the leftover money I have for merch/personal use, souvenirs of the different scenarios, the qualifications for the conventions, if I want preferred seating, which I would have to take into account for more money, if I can find a cheaper hotel than the one listed for the con, who all I’ll go with, the ring situation, literally everything. For a convention that I probably won’t go to. In April. Why. Am. I. Like This.

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don't send anything, don't send anything, don't send anything, don't send anything, don't send anything, don't send anything, do- hey um… i- don't continue with that sentence… i know you're still gone but i'm wondering what you're doing… this is going to be so stupid when you respond because you weren't even here when i typed this…. wow… you now officially look needy (copied this for some reason)


Prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man, he was cast into the bowels of the earth and pecked by birds.

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~Even if the sky does fall… even if they take it all… There's no pain that I won't go through… Even if I have to die for you…~
~Farewell, farewell and godspeed. Light years, between you and me. I'm fading. Your beauty conquers the darkness…~
~Am I good enough… For you?~
~Far across the emptiness I walk the night.. And search the silence in the dark you left behind…~
~You can run you can run away… I will wait in the dark for you.~
~Silly me. I thought I had it… I came so close this time…~
~Cause I've been told, that I'm dragging it out… But I've been dying just to see your face…~

Deleted user

For Not Bothering Emi But Apparently It Bothers Her So She's Here Now But She Never Comes Online Rip Emi We Love U Please Come Back To Us