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Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

@saor_illust school

(oh my god please don't read it's so cringey why i even agreed to do this i can't remember)

@spacebluelily language

I was born and raised in CALIFORNIA 🙏 democrats have ruined this BEAUTIFUL STATE to shit!!! Highest TAX RATE, GAYS EVERYWHERE, DRUGS AND HOMELESSNESS

(DID THIS GUY JUST LIST GAYS EVERYWHERE AS A PROBLEM? Where exactly in California do you live, because I wanna knock some sense into you.)

@saor_illust school

The land from across the ocean had been useful, but over the past year or so, it’d proven to be too much trouble to cross to and from, and so, the Takoina people picked up what remaining stuff had been left on the land, and started to migrate south, towards the middle of the modernday, mainland Japan.

@spacebluelily language

Your ideal vacation:
Hot or cold weather?
Rural country, forested mountains, near the ocean, or a city?
With other people (family, friends, SO? Many or few people)?
Main attraction is… food, music event, amusement park, hiking, other (anything)?

@spacebluelily language

President Donald Trump has returned to the White House and a very different Washington, D.C., after losing his reelection bid.

Trump’s motorcade returned from his golf club in Virginia via roads largely cleared of other cars and people Saturday afternoon.

But as he approached the White House, he was welcomed home with boos and raised middle fingers. Chants of “Loser, loser, loser” and profanities were also heard as his motorcade drove by.

Deleted user

President Donald Trump has returned to the White House and a very different Washington, D.C., after losing his reelection bid.

Trump’s motorcade returned from his golf club in Virginia via roads largely cleared of other cars and people Saturday afternoon.

But as he approached the White House, he was welcomed home with boos and raised middle fingers. Chants of “Loser, loser, loser” and profanities were also heard as his motorcade drove by.

yes, very mature and polite behavior. Definitely makes me want to join the Democratic Party. Definitely.

@Pickles group

President Donald Trump has returned to the White House and a very different Washington, D.C., after losing his reelection bid.

Trump’s motorcade returned from his golf club in Virginia via roads largely cleared of other cars and people Saturday afternoon.

But as he approached the White House, he was welcomed home with boos and raised middle fingers. Chants of “Loser, loser, loser” and profanities were also heard as his motorcade drove by.

yes, very mature and polite behavior. Definitely makes me want to join the Democratic Party. Definitely.

Oh no, poor republican upset that people no like orange man :(( republicans so much better more mature more smart how educated 🙄

@spacebluelily language

President Donald Trump has returned to the White House and a very different Washington, D.C., after losing his reelection bid.

Trump’s motorcade returned from his golf club in Virginia via roads largely cleared of other cars and people Saturday afternoon.

But as he approached the White House, he was welcomed home with boos and raised middle fingers. Chants of “Loser, loser, loser” and profanities were also heard as his motorcade drove by.

yes, very mature and polite behavior. Definitely makes me want to join the Democratic Party. Definitely.

As if the Republican Party is any better.

@furetakunai ac_unit

(You're using triggered in the wrong context, dear. Discomforted, upset, or even angered people ≠ triggered people. Now please shut it, you sound very unintelligent.)