forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“Yeah, you can-” Blink glared at Karat as the man reached out to touch them, a small growl coming from the back of their throat.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” Blink pulled back, by the pedestal again.
I’m the orb, and I’m actually a spell thank you very not.” Their words were spat out, dripping with their sarcastic poison. They didn’t want to answer Karat, but they didn’t have much of a choice. “And I was made here, just like the others. I swear to fuck if you call me a child again I will castrate you, and if you try to do anything like that I will castrate you and force-feed you with it!!” Blink looked furious with the idea, a blush coming to their cheeks.
“And seeing as I’m the only one who could get you out of here, I think you’ve got it backwards, and there’s no way in hell I’m telling you what you have to say to activate me.”

@spacebluelily language

For even if i found her
My love has all been lost
There's only bitter iron regret
For what devotion caused

More steel than soul
More corpse than man
I'll waste my life an empty can

Stop thinking
Just keep chopping
Work will blunt the pain

Deleted user

26th term of: 3, 6, 9, 12… a(n)
d = 3
n = 26
a(1) = 3

a(n) = a(1) + (n - 1)d
a(26) = 3 + (26 - 1)(3)
a(26) = 3 + (25)(3)
a(26) = 3 + 75
a(26) = 78


@JustALostM book

Daniel was happily walking home from a friend's house. He decided to go to the park and ride on the swings. As he was walking there, he saw something that looked like a utility hole. He walked up to it, curious on why it was randomly right next to the entrance of the park. He looked around for any cover, but as he turned around to look, he tripped and fell. As he fell something was sticking out of the side and hit him in the face, knocking him out. Then, boom. Daniel fell on the cobblestone ground.
A while later he got up and shook his head. He felt his forehead and there was a scab on it. Oh…brother… He thought. One second he was happy and the next, completely confused. Daniel looked around and saw a rather bright neon orange light. He was curious so he decided to walk to it. It turned out to be an orange orb of some sort. He picked it up and to his surprise, it wasn't heavy at all.

@Milani eco

'i just have a sudden urge to put stuff on my head'
'i hate most gay people, actually- most gay people are alright- actually, i think im gay.'
'i want to spit on you'
'lets go play nutball! its where you throw things at each others' nuts!'
'i fucking hate gay people, they're so annoying…'


After they got done talking the avengers were quiet and didn’t say anything which is a first for Tony. After the sudden quietness in the room, Tony decides to break the quietness by trying not to laugh. "

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

“Give the command, and we can leave,” Wander said softly in turn, not taking his eyes off of Carden. He didn’t want to get punched in the face, as he got the feeling he would, but he wasn’t going to let this man hurt Gem. The spell was ready to retort at the warning when Gem’s father stepped into the bakery. He held back a sigh of relief, glaring at Carden on turn until the man finally left.
Tense from the encounter, and the diverted fight, Wander let his shoulder’s fall, letting out that breath of relief. He turned to Gem, letting a smile come to his lips when the spell saw the one on Gem.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir,” Wander said, turning back to Gem’s father. He realized his hand was still in Gem’s, but didn’t take it away. Sure, it did bring a green blush to his cheeks, something faint, but he wasn’t going to pull his hand away until Gem wanted it. To be honest, he wasn’t sure he entirely wanted to, either.
“I’m Wander. Gem and I just met today, actually.” It was clear from how Gem wanted Wander to hide his green skin tone that it wouldn’t be smart to say he was a spell.

Shine blushed faintly, a yellow orange color coming to her cheeks when Luck called her beautiful. The spell reached up to play with one of her pigtails, looking down at the ground.
“I-I’m glad you think so…” Shine had never really been called that before. Not in that way, anyway. She’d been praised for being a beautiful thing before, something to be looked at and admired from a distance. Being told she was beautiful like this.
Shine was surprised by the hug, eyes widening some. Then, the spell felt tears coming to her eyes as she hugged back, a small smile coming to her face.
“I-I…” Shine held onto Luck tightly for a moment, then pulled away when the human did. She rubbed at her eyes, grinning now.
“I will! T-thank you!” Shine looked up at Luck, unable to hide the adoration and appreciation the spell had for the human with her.

(She is… )
(:0 It’s so awesome!! It fits her so well!)