forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 220 followers

Deleted user

I fucking love this, I want you to explain all stories and movies and now I also want to read the crap out of this manga it sounds amazing. You're amazing. That is all.

i hate to break it to ya but i dont think you wanna read it LMAO the whole thing is nsfw lol
but thank you thank you, the whole story line was crap and i just hadda

Deleted user

I fucking love this, I want you to explain all stories and movies and now I also want to read the crap out of this manga it sounds amazing. You're amazing. That is all.

i hate to break it to ya but i dont think you wanna read it LMAO the whole thing is nsfw lol
but thank you thank you, the whole story line was crap and i just hadda


@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

If you're reading this, surely you have just as much power as my god. Do you have free will? Or do your actions remain based on a higher power, predetermining your future for you?


wittwe gwacie fownd a stwange howse
a pwace to pway jusht pasht aww de tweesh
shwift shawp nyeedwes dew spawt hish fase
be4 he fyeeds on de sheep'sh wite fweece

wiwwows of wystewiah
a memowoiaw
a cwescendo
uf hystewia

wittwe chiwdwen wet astway
in the sunni soiw benyeath
wwiggwing wowmsh in disawway
heaw dem waughing undewnyeath

cownting tyen ninye zewo fingews
wont u cum & pway the gway man'sh gayme
moov quik, b an awtfuw dodgew
wen de cweavews stawt swishing in fwamesh

wiwwows of wystewia
a memowoiaw
a cwescendo
uf hystewia

wittwe chiwdwen went astway
in the sunny soiw benyeath
wwiggwing wowmsh in disawway
heaw dem waughing undewnyeath

@AloeVera groupMentallyImInACottage

wittwe gwacie fownd a stwange howse
a pwace to pway jusht pasht aww de tweesh
shwift shawp nyeedwes dew spawt hish fase
be4 he fyeeds on de sheep'sh wite fweece

wiwwows of wystewiah
a memowoiaw
a cwescendo
uf hystewia

wittwe chiwdwen wet astway
in the sunni soiw benyeath
wwiggwing wowmsh in disawway
heaw dem waughing undewnyeath

cownting tyen ninye zewo fingews
wont u cum & pway the gway man'sh gayme
moov quik, b an awtfuw dodgew
wen de cweavews stawt swishing in fwamesh

wiwwows of wystewia
a memowoiaw
a cwescendo
uf hystewia

wittwe chiwdwen went astway
in the sunny soiw benyeath
wwiggwing wowmsh in disawway
heaw dem waughing undewnyeath

i just got ptsd reading this but i love it

@Pickles group

Here's a fun fact about a famous "Vampire" : Way back in the early 1700's or 1800's, there was this queen named Queen Victoria. I think. Anyways, she wanted to achieve eternal youth, and so she'd take in young girls as maids and servants and what not, and then kill them. She'd wear their skin, drink their blood, bathe in their blood, and would eat their flesh cooked, and raw. She preferred raw as she thought it'd make her even younger. Anyways she died from a disease in the blood of one of the girls, I'm pretty sure.

(:D She "acquired" them by pretending to run a finishing school, so a lot of poor families sent their daughters in hopes of them being able to marry rich, and they wouldn't be suspicious when their children disappeared. Because you know. They're living in this huge fancy house learning how to drink tea or something)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I know it can be scary, wheen someone you love gets angry at you for the first time," Halm started quietly. God, did he know. Mother had only ever gotten mad at him once, but… it had been terrifying. "But we have to remember that's how things work. We'll get made at people, and we'll get upset and fight and feel horrible, but the most important thing to remember is that you still love them, and they still love you. Cas still loves you, Nix, even if he gets mad at you. We just… have to make sure we work through the problems together, all of us."

Deleted user

Told my mum to make sure to wear boots when she goes in the woods because I saw a viper the other day, and she said “When I was a kid I used to catch snakes, occasionally a little viper, and tie them around the doorknob of my bedroom so my brothers wouldn’t dare to enter and I’d have some peace.” I was like, didn’t Grandma mind finding venomous snakes hanging from the doorknobs in her house? and she said pensively “Sometimes she threw them out the window. Sometimes she said she didn’t want to interfere in our ‘children’s business’“