forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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@saor_illust school

Ember was just a bit startled at the sudden withdrawal. No. She couldn't let the one who she presumed she loved run into danger. Or at least, that's what she thought it was. The words, "I love you too," had barely left her lips when she found herself being pushed towards the bar. Hah, did Akela really think she would let her face the danger all alone? But as soon as she heard Akela say a name, she knew it wasn't immediate danger. Aegis, huh? So someone she knew. From the quick conversation, Ember was able to pick up that the "job" that Akela was wanted to do might have something to with death. And murdering. So her date was a murderer, huh? Well, as long as she or her loved ones didn't get killed, she could be fine with that… maybe. Watching from the shadows, as Akela's body stilled, Ember knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

(hehe a fren is somewhat teaching me how one writes romance, i actually think its going quite well)

@Pickles group

(maybe I'm being dramatic and my opinion of the book is influencing me, but that shade of green shows up in my nightmares)

Deleted user

Evan very nearly pulled Fun back in. He had to personally admit he was quite touch starved. But remembering what Fun said, he let him pull out of the cuddles. "Well you're welcome. I kinda needed a cuddle too I have to admit." He said with a soft chuckle, and then rubbed at his cheeks a bit. "Augh blush, go away. I hate the fact that I get embarrassed so easily."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oliver trembled while Bianca didn't respond, beginning to cry. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to get rid of the… Liquid coming from them. It wasn't water. Perhaps oil? All Oliver knew was he wasn't going to get a happy ending.


hey wawwy, awe u a connoishsheuw of de dishpatch of infowmation wegawding de powiticaw, wewigioush, and cewemoniaw bewiefsh of de tomato caucush impwemented widin de shtate of tomato metaphyshicsh? uwu

@Mojack group

The name's Higgs. The pawticwe of God that pewmeates aww existence. Ah, so it was you who dwagged him into aww this? Heh. Bwoodied but unbowed. sniff… Bwidget Stwand is dead? Amewica's wast pwesident. Dead and buwned. sniff… Oh, and now the giww's been chosen to take mommy's pwace… Weww that won't wash. She's not cut out fow powitics, is she? Oh, but don't wowwy. I'ww find hew. I'ww keep hew weaw safe. You see, I've come to undewstand the twuth of the Death Stwanding. Oh, thewe's so much you peopwe don't know. The giww, fow instance-she's not wike you ow me. DOOMS ain't hew thing. She's mowe into destwuction on a wowwdwide scawe. An Extinction Entity. Oh, it's so hawd to fowm connections when you can't shake hands… Fowtunatewy, I've got a good connection to the othew side. Now you? You'we no Bwidge. But me? I'm bound to aww of it-this wowwd, that wowwd, and ouw sweet wittwe angew of death. You'we on the menu. Aww it'ww take is one itty-bitty voidout to bwow us aww to kingdom come! So how 'bout it? Awen't you getting tiwed of the gwind? Isn't this what you've been waiting fow the whowe time? A game ovew?