forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 232 followers

@oracle-of-delphi flash_on

The others on the other side on the gates started gathering things they would need for their sale. Wednesday had already dealt with the Admins in Central City. They had agreed to let them sell their things until 3 PM in the afternoon.

“Alright, people! Wednesday here has talked with the Admins in Central City and we’re allowed to sell until 3 in the afternoon.” Magnolia said. She was just repeating what Wednesday had told her.

Mumbling was heard from the crowd and a user came up the the front. Seréphyx looked up at Magnolia and Wednesday. “I have a question, what are we going to sell?”

Magnolia looked at the crowd and a idea popped into her head. When people first enter Central City, they’ll be hungry after the long ride. She smiled and told Wednesday her idea. Wednesday smiled and told her to tell the idea to everybody.

“We could sell pastries at Central City. When they come out of their trains they’ll be hungry and since I didn’t see any shops over there when I first came out of the train, people would really come over to us to buy something!”
When the City gates closed, OC was inside the city and not out like the other users. He had done a All-Nighter the night the Admins closed the gates. He sighed as he left the building he was in and walked around the almost empty city.

He never thought that Joakim would want Story Wars to end. After all, he did create Story Wars. He walked from shop to shop and finally stopped in front the City gates. He looked at the users through the bars who where working together to make what looked like pastries.

He chuckled and went around to where the gates ended. He looked at the gates and started climbing them. He was a natural at this and he never worried that he would fall and break some bones. He landed on the other side of the gates and ran to the group of users.

Deleted user

She was lying on the floor and counting stretch marks
She hadn't been a virgin and he hadn't been a god
So she named the baby Elvis
To make up for the royalty he lacked
And from then on it was turpentine and patches
From then on it was cold Campbell's from the can
And they were just two jerks playing with matches
'Cause that's all they knew how to play -Regina Spektor, Braille


Red is the color of the anger simmering under your skin
The anger your didn’t even realize was there
It’s like a dragon, coiled just out of sight and waiting
For the silly knights in their shiny new armor to come prancing along
Waiting for something to wake it
So it can rise from it’s slumber and strike the unwitting offenders
If you aren’t very, very careful, darling
That dragon is going to do something you can’t take back
Because that dragon is you
You and your beating wings and shimmering scales of metal rings
You are the dragon
The dragon is you
And that anger is the fire you’ll find is harder to control than you ever thought

Red is the lipstick you apply like armor each morning
Your last defense against the incoming tides of life
When a boy makes a comment you don’t need or want to hear
You flash him a grin, dragon teeth and blood red lips all the makings of a dark fairytale
Your lips hold secrets he couldn’t handle knowing
And the flash of your eyes sends him scurrying
Tail tucked between his legs but no apology sent your way
He may be just a bit scared now, but isn’t that good?
The world should know you won’t be trifled with, should know
That you don’t play games with boys who say things they weren’t asked to say
Someone says ‘witch’ and maybe
Just maybe they’re not too far off

Red, the blood you spill without thinking
That blind rage you were warned about crawling up your throat and into your mind
A fog of red shrouding your eyes
Suddenly things aren’t as simple
Suddenly, you’re the monster the kids on the playground talked about living in their closets
And suddenly, you are everything you swore never to be
Red is such a violently beautiful color, just like you, darling
And no color suits you better than the color of blood
The color of anger and hate and pain
Red, is a color best left alone
And you know that all too well

@spacebluelily language

"AH NO!" A British voice exclaimed. All heads turned towards the cry. Keyhole had finally caught Kryptos and was holding him in a bone crushing headlock. "Can't we, uh… settle this dispute like gentlemen, mate? Ah… haha…" He laughed nervously as he watched Keyhole raise an empty vodka bottle. ".. that bottle in your hand is a good sign, right?"

Let's just say;

No it was not.

@saor_illust school

ponyo ponyo ponyo saka na no ko
aoi umi kara yatte kita
ponyo ponyo ponyo fukuranda
manmaru onaka no onna no ko

Peeta peeta pyoon pyon
ashitte ii na kakechao!
Niigi niigi buun bun
otete wa ii na tsunaijao!

ano ko to haneru to kokoro mo odoru yo
Paaku paku CHUGGYUTSU! paaku paku CHUGGYUTSU!
ano ko ga daisuki makkakka no

ponyo ponyo ponyo saka na no ko
aoi umi kara yatte kita
ponyo ponyo ponyo fukuranda
manmaru onaka no onna no ko

Fuuku fuku ii nioi
onaka ga suita tabechao!
Youku yoku mite miyou
ano ko mo kitto miteiru

isshoni warau to HOPPE ga atsui yo
Waaku waku CHUGGYUTSU! waaku waku CHUGGYUTSU!
ano ko ga daisuki makkakka no

ponyo ponyo ponyo saka na no ko
gake no ue ni yatte kita
ponyo ponyo ponyo onna no ko
manmaru onaka no genki na ko