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Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

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As the show went on, everything about Neo just seemed to get even more bright and eccentric. Neo loved this part of his job, where he was just up on the runway, showing off clothing. This clothing he was allowed to keep and preserve for his own closet, which fit his long, somewhat wry legs, and his broad chest and shoulders, then snug around his muscular torso. He was the pinnacle of masculine attractiveness, and the model seemed to know it, too, as he sold himself to the eyes of the excited people around him.
Of course as the show drew to a close, all three models returned in one more piece: the bathing suits. All had been hand-crafted meticulously by the designer herself, with colors that suited their bodies, facials, and hair. Popli’s was a muffled reddish gray color, that suited his flaming red hair and sharp eyes well, with small poppy flowers all around the suit. Rosia came out in a soft pink one-piece, that obviously suited her and her name very well. She seemed incredibly happy with it, as she smiled around at everyone, pausing next to Popli. Neo came out in latex so tight it framed the smooth muscles in his quads as he moved, showing off the rest of his tanned, perfectly lined body like a portrait. It outlined his to die-for abs, down to the gentle ‘v’ along his hips. This was met with the loudest roar of appraisal yet, as if everyone all at once was trying to be heard by their favorite model.


“I wished I could erase the message, suck the word “sorry” from the English language, and hack it to pieces with a rusty ax.”
― Julie Halpern, The F- It List