forum Paste the Last Thing that You Copied
Started by @CW-BornConfuzzledLeftILoveYa

people_alt 232 followers

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Stan, Stan, son Listen, man, Dad isn't mad But how you gonna name yourself after a damn gun And have a man-bun?


Stan, Stan, son Listen, man, Dad isn't mad But how you gonna name yourself after a damn gun And have a man-bun?

The giant's woke, eyes open, undeniable
Supplyin' smoke, got the fire stoked
Say you got me in a scope, but you grazed me
I say one call to Interscope and you're Swayze

i copypaste that for you lol

@Mojack group

Blitzkreig: German for Lightning (blitz) and War (krieg), Lightning War. Extremely effective during early years of war, used massive airpower, tanks, troops and trucks to use speed and surprise, and superiority over enemy troops to cause disorganization.

@Rainy_day_artist_classic group

When fog and rain isn’t coating her camera lens
And her hands don’t hold pencils scratching dreams into sheets of white
Or rolls of unraveling film, slipping between her fingers
She slips on a pair of headphones
Presses a few buttons, her hands stained with charcoal and paper cuts
And escapes
To her own world
Bathing in the golden light of a sunset.

(A poem by @Blurry!)