forum Pagan/Witch/Wiccan+ Community
Started by @The-Magician group

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I get what you’re talking about.
Okay, so the demon she is witnessing is actually a hallucination linked to sleep paralysis, which occurs when a person is jolted awake in the middle of the rapid eye movement phase of sleep associated with dreaming. She has woken up but her brain is still dreaming — and it's projecting her nightmares into the real world.
You need to help remind her, and tell her to remind herself, that what she is seeing isn’t real. Help her to see that it can not harm her, that it isn’t real.

Okay, she does see it during the day sometimes and I'm not sure what's happening there.

Deleted user

Lee explained the sleep paralysis perfectly.

But let me just drop a bomb on all you 'baby witches' (excluding those who are–well you know who you are)

Wicca/Witchcraft/Druidry/ Craft of the Earth/etc has nothing, and I mean NOTHING, to do with DEMONS

Demons are associated with Abrahamic religions and are their creatures of ultimate malice and darkness and evil (blah blah blah) People that associate with those practices are not true witches.

Wicca/Witchcraft/Druidry respect a balance of forces and energies that do not sway one way or the other. They just are.

I would advice not to come into a chat of true practitioners with an apparent and blatant disregard of research and respect.

Deleted user

Baby witch here doing some study on world religions: So there would be some parallels with Buddhism or T/Daoism, right? Sorry if I'm seeming ignorant, this just helps me contextualize a lot better by comparing it to things I have a little more knowledge about. I know that they're all their own separate practices and deserve respect, but I kinda think I'm getting a handle on the philosophy in general. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

Deleted user

(Note: I'm aware that T/Daoism falls more under the realm of philosophy than religion, and the two are very distinct, just pointing that out.)

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In my year of actually practicing, I've never actually seen a spirit or any of that sorts, I simply respect anything that may be a spirit or anything at all.
And saying this, my advice may not be the most helpfull or most accurate, and this may sound kind of dickish.
But Loki, in my eyes, it seems that you are either hallucinating and your friend is going along with it to make you feel better, it is a game between you and your friend, or you're making it up in order to seem cool and more mature in the eyes of everyone on here.
It is most likely the last. I know this becuase it's exactly like something I would've done when I was eight or nine.

@Becfromthedead group

Does anyone have tips on learning tarot? I got a deck over winter break and I can't seem to get the hang of it even after months. I've tried using an app to help learn meanings, but the card sets on the app have a lot more obvious meanings in their illustrations versus my deck, so even when I learn things in the app, my recall when it comes to my own deck is kind of garbage. Now I have done readings using resources and stuff as a crutch, and I feel like I do okay at the reading part, although tips on how to read are appreciated too. I just can't remember things for the life of me- that's the main issue here.

Deleted user

It takes a looooooooooooooong time to memorize all the meanings to the cards. Especially since there are differences in spreads and inverted v upright, etc. So don't feel discouraged! Hell even I still have to look up the meanings of cards. It's certainly a learning process that takes time, time and more time.

For beginners I would stick to the easiest spreads (3 card/cross), and yes/no pulls. This really gets you familiar with the deck and it's personality, not to mention is gets the deck used to you. I would make sure to store the deck in a place that contains a lot of your energy (a coven mate of mine back in Cali told me to store it in my undie drawer for the first couple of months. XD but hey it worked!) so that the energies that the deck pulls from the universe recognize you as their user and practitioner. Make sure to cleanse them first–no need to put bad vibes near your parts, ya feel?

This is a fantastic website to use while you're still learning about how to use your deck. It has so much info on each card and their meaning, advice on spreads, and other information on the divination arts. Check it out!

My last bit of advice is to double triple check that you have a Tarot deck and not an Oracle deck. Believe it or not a lot of people get them mixed up, but they're very different and have different pulls from the universe.

@Becfromthedead group

That’s good to know. Thanks for the advice!
And yeah, I’m positive they’re tarot cards and not oracle. I was already somewhat familiar with tarot when I got my cards, so I didn’t mess up there this time.
I did make sure to cleanse them when I first got them, and I actually got the idea last night to look through the cards and their illustrations and make connections between the meanings and pictures. That’ll probably help me figure things out a bit better as well.


Question that may seem really simple, but I have no clue how to do it:
What are the different ways to purify and what are they used for?

@The-Magician group

Yeah of course.

125g of Self-raising flour
125g of softened butter
125g of caster sugar
2 tablespoons of honey
1 egg
2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
(Add small amounts of milk for a thinner consistency)

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 3 (325F). Line the cake tin with parchment or grease with butter to decrease chances of it sticking when trying to remove the cake.

  1. Beat together the egg and butter.
  2. Sift flour into a bowl before adding the rest of the dry ingredients.
  3. Add the egg, butter, honey and vanilla extract to the dry mix and fold in.
  4. For a thinner consistency, fold in milk —— 1 teaspoon at a time until desired consistency.

Transfer batter to cake tin and cook for approximately 25-30 minutes or until golden brown/toothpick comes out clean.

Let me know if this works out for you, if you have issues with it I might need to alter the recipe…


Hey uh, I'm currently pretty shook, and some advice would be greatly appreciated.

This all started off with spiders appearing on me or near me for the past four days. The ones that showed up on me were always babies, and the ones that showed up around me were adult honkers.
Four days, in a row, the spiders appeared. At this point, I'm starting to think it's not a coincidence. This time of year is for ants to be showing up, not spiders.

I check with my tarot cards to see what the hell is going on, and I find out that those spiders were signs from a deity. But not just any deity, oh no, they were from Neith, an Egyptian goddess while my Pantheon is supposed to be Greek. I checked three separate times, the cards kept confirming it was her. I'm starting to freak out just a bit.
Apparently, the reason why she showed up was to guide me and help me flourish through future adverse times arriving soon. Those adverse times have me terrified, as I drew the Tower (reversed), Wheel of Fortune (reversed), and Death.

I don't know what to do–please send help.


well, i'm not too versed in tarot or the egyptian pantheon, but i can tell you that spiders symbolize the future, more on the level of thinking about it. if you have big choices coming up, then seeing spiders might be reminding you to think of what you want in the future, especially if your current choices and life path aren't helping you towards your goals

@The-Magician group

You know that explains so much, I kinda feel bad for chasing all the spiders out of my home now.
I, too, am not well versed in Tarot as I am only just learning myself, so I’m afraid I can not help you much there..

@The-Magician group

Though if I remember correctly..
Tower Reversed: disaster avoided, delayed disaster, fear of suffering
WoF Reversed: no control, clinging to control, bad luck
Death Upright: end of cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis

Do with that what you will?

@GameMaster group

Hi, I’m kind of interested in witchcraft but I don’t know where to start. Can you guys point me towards any resources? Also I don’t know if I necessarily want to do Wicca type witchcraft. More like pagan: communing with deities, sigils, and mythology studies.

Deleted user

Don't worry too much about communicating with deities yet, if you're just starting.

Honestly, research.

Just do whatever you can to learn.

I started with sigils pretty early because I love them, and there's nothing wrong with looking into those.

@The-Magician group

….Never in my life have I heard of that happening.. I asked my partner and he wants to call bullshit. My friend works with sigils a lot more than I do and he has never heard of them burning through skin..
As for the contractor thing.. what happened?