forum One Thing You Learned Today
Started by @Pickles group

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@Pickles group

They say you learn something new every day, so share it? I guess? It can be something you looked up or the thing you actually learned in school or some random fact your friend told you but I want your random knowledge This is probably kinda dumb

@Mojack group

i learned that if given the choice a good portion of my civics class will make cannibalistic societies or throw people to sharks when given a project to make a fictional country

Oh and I learned about the different types of governments like dictatorships, autocracy, despotism and more and that there is a difference in between them all despite their similarities


I learned that specific parts of our bodies correspond in size to other parts. For example, the length of your forearm is the same length as your foot, the length of your index finger is the width of your mouth, and each section of each finger (and thumb) is approximately the same size as the section above or below it. Of course, this is just the large majority of people. I'd be curious to see if it's different for others.


????? that just blew my mind. this feels like cursed knowledge
I just checked and my forearm is genuinely the same length as my foot and for some reason I'm really weirded out right now
help idk how to feel about this


I learned that when arresting people, police make you interlock your fingers behind your head because it's really hard to get out of that quickly enough to do anything useful.


I learned today that there is not just a pyramid of progression for dressage horses, but also their riders. This is wonderful news, now I can start learning dressage even more. I love dressage.


????? that just blew my mind. this feels like cursed knowledge
I just checked and my forearm is genuinely the same length as my foot and for some reason I'm really weirded out right now
help idk how to feel about this

Well, ninja, if it makes you feel any better, I soon after found a friend whose forearm is a smidge longer than his foot. But then, he's around six foot three, so neither of us were too surprised. He's very lanky.

@Mojack group

Today I learned a little about my family history and that I’m (distantly, most likely, so it’s not anything that big) related to Franklin Roosevelt’s great great great grandfather or something like that

@HighPockets group

Today I learned a little about my family history and that I’m (distantly, most likely, so it’s not anything that big) related to Franklin Roosevelt’s great great great grandfather or something like that

Cool! One of my friends is too!

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Today I learned a little about my family history and that I’m (distantly, most likely, so it’s not anything that big) related to Franklin Roosevelt’s great great great grandfather or something like that

Cool! One of my friends is too!

Cool! I'm related to Bill Cody! Or in you guys American terms, Buffalo Bill. He was also known at the time as Wild Bill Cody.

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I learned that specific parts of our bodies correspond in size to other parts. For example, the length of your forearm is the same length as your foot, the length of your index finger is the width of your mouth, and each section of each finger (and thumb) is approximately the same size as the section above or below it. Of course, this is just the large majority of people. I'd be curious to see if it's different for others.

My foot is a good 4 inches shorter than my forearm. And my index finger is bigger than my mouth… I think I'm broken

@Pickles group

I learned that specific parts of our bodies correspond in size to other parts. For example, the length of your forearm is the same length as your foot, the length of your index finger is the width of your mouth, and each section of each finger (and thumb) is approximately the same size as the section above or below it. Of course, this is just the large majority of people. I'd be curious to see if it's different for others.

My foot is a good 4 inches shorter than my forearm. And my index finger is bigger than my mouth… I think I'm broken

It's a stretch, but my index finger is the length of my mouth. I looked ridiculous checking. The FBI agent in my phone is now even more concerned

@HighPockets group

I learned that specific parts of our bodies correspond in size to other parts. For example, the length of your forearm is the same length as your foot, the length of your index finger is the width of your mouth, and each section of each finger (and thumb) is approximately the same size as the section above or below it. Of course, this is just the large majority of people. I'd be curious to see if it's different for others.

My foot is a good 4 inches shorter than my forearm. And my index finger is bigger than my mouth… I think I'm broken

It's a stretch, but my index finger is the length of my mouth. I looked ridiculous checking. The FBI agent in my phone is now even more concerned

It took me a while to figure out if it meant opening my mouth as horizontal or vertical as I could


I learned that stuntmen should be given WAY more credit, along with the 2nd Rig crew that shoots action scenes for movies that make them look so SEAMLESS! As an example of good vs. bad, the library fight from John Wick 3 vs. the apartment fight from Bourne Supremacy.


I learned that there are two different Aphrodites. Aphrodite Ourania is a transcendent, "heavenly" version. Aphrodite Pandemos is an Aphrodite common to "all the people".


I forgot to say this yesterday, but I learned that the US doesn't recognize Taiwan as a country

Mostly because China doesn't recognize Taiwan as a country. God forbid we ever piss of China…

@Pickles group

I forgot to say this yesterday, but I learned that the US doesn't recognize Taiwan as a country

Mostly because China doesn't recognize Taiwan as a country. God forbid we ever piss of China…
