forum One Thing You Learned Today
Started by @Pickles group

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The game billiards is named after the French word biliat, which means mace. I assume this means that French soldiers flipped their maces around and used them as cues when they were playing.

@Pickles group

(is intrigued are they different kinds of just different shapes?)

TIL that you can minimize smog by fueling your car when it's colder

@Mojack group

I think they're different kinds! Because they were all 'developed' (which means that they were bred for their appearances to look like that) so they're different types of carrots.

@Mojack group

TIL there was a project (now cancelled) that had robots which could feed on organisms such as plants for fuel. There was a myth for a while that they could use animals (including humans) as fuel, but this was denied.

Fun fact, that’s close to the plot of Horizon Zero Dawn, a game that I really don’t know how to explain without giving out massive spoilers.

Let’s just hope a guy named Ted Faro doesn’t come along…


Platinum Games, the guys that made such hits as Bayonetta, Okami, and Viewtiful Joe have a new game in the works called Project G. G.
The idea is that it's the last game in the "superhero trilogy," based on each of the three types of henshin superhero TV shows.

Henshin: The hero (or heroes) do a big, flashy transformation before they start fighting the villain du jour.

Viewtiful Joe: Based on the first kind of henshin, where it's one superhero and maybe a sidekick. e.x. Kamen Rider

The Wonderful 101: The second kind of henshin, where it's a large team coming together to fight large enemies. e.x. Power Rangers or Voltron

Project G.G.: The third and final kind of henshin, where the main superhero grows to an enormous size to fight kaiju. e.x. Ultraman



TIL that colonisers were trash
(Which I already knew but it was a welcome reminder)
Spanish conquerors in the Inca empire saw that the Inca had an existing system of owing service to the state for repairing infrastructure (called mit'a) and decided to use it to make the Inca mine silver instead of, you know, repairing the infrastructure
Mining was (and still is) super dangerous and the Inca hated it to the point of breaking newborn boys' legs so they'd be crippled for life and ineligible for mine service

@Pickles group

TIL that red pandas don't have pads on the bottom of their paws. It's all fur. They're also built to be carnivores but eat primarily bamboo. The red part of their fur helps them blend in with the moss in their native territory and the dark part helps them blend in when you look up at trees.


Mick Gordon, the composer of both DOOM soundtracks (as well as a few others), used a plugin to combine the noise from a chainsaw with a guitar to give the song Hellwalker a bit more bite to it. He also used subsonic frequencies to create "pictures" in his music that you could only find with a spectrogram.

Thos include 666, pentagrams, and the sprite of DOOM's original creator, Jon Romero. However, that sprite was of his severed head on a pike that you could only find by going behind the final boss of DOOM 2.