forum On Drugs or Tired???
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

These are things that me and my friend have said while either tired or on drugs (prescription drugs with side effects not illegal ones)

"Up shut your fuck"

"How do five high?"

"Connor, don't get me anything. I'm not hungry."

"Yo what's another way to say Cinco de Mayo?"
"Five of May… Cinco de May… Cinco de Mexican?"
"Connor, no."

Deleted user

Oh, there's also this, which happened this morning.

"I don't like how my bangs are"
"Then don't bang……. wAIT"


omg lol. I was super tired one morning and we were setting up a tent so we would have shade and the shade wasn't where I wanted it to be so I suggested turning the tent around so the shade would face the other way…..



My mom says the best thing I've ever said in my sleep was "GUYS. DON'T WEAR THE MICROWAVE." I sat straight up, yelled it, and plopped back down.


I was at my friend Jacob's house for a night over and we were up pretty late. Some of the things we remembered were
"It's a dellisky"
"You can taste the spoon in it"
"I only came for the pandas"
and "gross ya nastys"

Deleted user

@Masterkey I've gone through the same situation, but instead I yelled "Nina! You gotta plug in the mattress spring, my charger is going to die!"

Deleted user

I laughed so hard when I read these. XD

I remember there was the time when I was really little and I was staying at my cousin's house. We had stayed up really late and when I finally went to sleep I had this weird dream where for every three books I read I was given a gummy worm. When I woke up from it it was still night and my brother and one of my cousins were still up talking. I sat up in my sleeping bag and looked at them and said, "I read three books, so now I get a gummy worm." I was very insistent about this. I keep repeating it and wouldn't explain and they were very confused because they had no idea what I was talking about. Fun times in America.

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@shinsleepy we did not agree, I said "I'm posting this somewhere and there's nothing you can do to stop me" and when you were laughing you wheezed. I remember.

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Me: "Crosh them and leave them behind"
Child: "What is crosh"
Connor: insane laughter

Deleted user

I once said frickle frackle Jensen Ackles when reading really good fanfiction