forum On Drugs or Tired???
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

My sister once told me I yeld out in my sleep, "No!…NO!…SENSEI!!! SENSEI HELP!"
It was because I was up late studying for my math final.


I had a similar instance to that, but I was crying in my sleep and my brother tried waking me. I never woke up until the morning, or at least that's what I remember of it.


I guess I was at a camp and I like…sleepwalked out of my bunk and stood over the counselor sleeping in our cabin for like an hour before going back to bed


once i was sleeping at my cousins house and we had made a tent with blankets, it was just me and my three other cousins, and i woke up and went to the bathroom. when i came back i tried to snuggle back in the warm blankets with my cousins, but one of them started to kick me in their sleep saying "die die die". so for the rest of the night i sat in the cold of the house with no blankets or pillows. when she woke up she said she "was dreaming about killing storm troopers".