forum On Drugs or Tired???
Started by Deleted user

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I had an art professor my sophomore year of college that was born in Japan. She said when she was a little girl there was a Ramen truck that would go around like an ice cream truck in her neighborhood and sell Ramen noodles. That's what dreams are made of, my friends.


@jensenbear you win! yes, it is a reference to voltron, and the pinetree part is both the octopus tree thing and a reference to gravity falls.

Deleted user

Niiice. I haven't watched gravity falls but I'm total Voltron trash lol


So one time me and some of my church were on a rivertrip. Me and my friends stayed in a tent. They all went to sleep except me and my best friend who stayed up until like 3 with me. We tried waking up another one of my friends, heres some of the things she said while we were trying to wake her up.

Us- "Dude, wake up."
Her- "I AM!"
Us- "No your not"
Her- "Shut your face hole"

Swats and my face
"Fly! Die! Die! Die!"

Her- "I swear on my life i'm awake guys"
Us- "Whats 2 times 2"
Her- "Um.. Like 7"

Her- "Guys, i'm awake"
Us- 'No"
Her- slaps my other friend across the face

The whole time we were trying to convince her that she wasn't awake. In the morning we asked her if she remembered this, she said no xD


Recently=Jensen: Ay Connor draw a right triangle
Me, doped up on pain meds and sleep deprivation: I am a right triangle ! (I say as I lift my arms up to make a triangle)


You've done
Me wrong
For a long
Long time
But after all
You've done
I never changed
My mind
Honey please
Try to love me
Honey please
Honey try
My love will never die
Flowers grow
Where I'm laid
To rest
Honey pick
A blossom
And hold it
Hold it
To your breast
Honey you know
That's my love
Bursting loud
From inside
My love
Oh my love my love
Will never die