@gay_corgi group
Hi! Everyone I talk to is sure I'm some kind of neurodivergent but no one knows which one. Anywhoo, This is just a place for fellow ND's to talk (I imagine there's a lot of us on here)!
Hi! Everyone I talk to is sure I'm some kind of neurodivergent but no one knows which one. Anywhoo, This is just a place for fellow ND's to talk (I imagine there's a lot of us on here)!
Hello!!!!!!! ^^
Don’t mind my autistic self just spontaneously appearing over here.
It’s nice knowing that other people are crazy with me lol.
(Neurodivergent squeaks of joy)
it is i! a ✨neurosparkle✨
(i like that, most of us call it neurospicy)
it is i! a ✨neurosparkle✨
(i like that, most of us call it neurospicy)
I HAVE GLITTER IN MY BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is the discomfort physical or emotional?
When did you last have water?
-Drink water.
When did you last eat?
-Have a snack.
How long have you been sitting?
-Get up, jump around, stim.
When did you last sleep?
Is something preventing you from solving your problem?
-Ask for help.
When did you last stim?
-Hardcore stim sesh!
When did you last talk to someone (Not yourself)?
-Go talk to someone. It can even be a dog.
When did you last take a break?
-Take a break, even if there’s work to do.
When did you last listen to music?
-Listen to whatever song you are currently listening to on repeat or just a song you like.
Are you stressed?
-Listen to music, don’t think about the stress-y thing for one song. Listen to the song again. This time make a plan for what to do.
Are you overstimulated?
-Take off shoes, cover ears/put on headphones, close eyes, etc.
Are you understimulated?
-Stim, eat, watch something, read, devil sticks.
Are you confused about instructions?
-Deep breaths and ask for clarification.
Is there seemingly way too much work to do?
-Take a break, come up with a plan, make a checklist, start working. (Take breaks!!)
Is something preventing you from solving your problem?
-Take a break, come up with a plan, make a checklist, start working. (Take breaks!!)
-Ask for help.
When did you last have water?
-Drink water.
When did you last eat?
-Have a snack.
When did you last stim?
-Hardcore stim sesh!
When did you last sleep?
When did you last talk to someone (Not yourself)?
-Go talk to someone. It can even be a dog.
When did you last take a break?
-Take a break, even if there’s work to do.
When did you last listen to music?
-Listen to whatever song you are currently listening to on repeat or just a song you like.
Are you stressed?
-Listen to music, don’t think about the stress-y thing for one song. Listen to the song again. This time make a plan for what to do.
Are you overstimulated?
-Take off shoes, cover ears/put on headphones, close eyes, etc.
Are you understimulated?
-Stim, eat, watch something, read, devil sticks.
How long have you been sitting?
-Get up, jump around, stim.
Are you confused about instructions?
-Deep breaths and ask for clarification.
Is there seemingly way too much work to do?
-Take a break, come up with a plan, make a checklist, start working. (Take breaks!!)
Is something preventing you from solving your problem?
-Ask for help.
(If you want to add anything, here's the link to the Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bptHj4KqmEZGFV6e_GKU4Cs3SabIQosidZvPZ9emuhk/edit?tab=t.0)
heya, what are your guys' vocal stims? (mine's 'shoop')
heya, what are your guys' vocal stims? (mine's 'shoop')
One of my favorite things to say is "PUNKIN!" Like pumpkin but the p is an n. I also hum pretty constantly
heya, what are your guys' vocal stims? (mine's 'shoop')
One of my favorite things to say is "PUNKIN!" Like pumpkin but the p is an n. I also hum pretty constantly
ok humming, yessshhhhhh. im like 99% sure im NT and just acquires little things from my weird lil friends or im just bored so I adopt waht would be considered 'autistic behaviors' or stimming but like IM PROBABLY NOT (its possible tho…)
anyway HUMMING YEAH ill just do a little three note thing mmmmmMMMmmmm like dat and randomly go 'HOH' sort of idk its an almost uncontrollable impulse
not to mention stimming-like stuff with music and gotta be super freakin animated unless somethings wrong
not to mention stimming-like stuff with music and gotta be super freakin animated unless somethings wrong
Some Nt's do have a few ND traits, but you might want to do some research just in case you're part of the club :)
(Unless you already have, idk)
Anyone else with special interests? If so, what are they? (Mine are The Owl House and Welcome to Night Vale)
tbh i don't think so?? i have some interests like animals as a whole and i could tell you a lot (and i mean A LOT) about that sort of stuff. but i don't know if that counts as a special intertest, since i have a few things that im into apart from that
I also have regular interests but for me the difference is a special interest is very intense. It feels warm and safe a exiting to think about them if that helps :)
Hello there new being
I'm just a nerd or friend
Welcome nerd friend
Thanks…umm sorry if I have to ask are you being sarcastic I tend to have to ask eve irl just need to know if I'm not welcomed
Oh yeah sorry sometimes forget tone doesn't transfer through text. Yes ofc tiu are welcome! We are happy to have a new friend :)
okay I'm new to here and if I talk about greek myths tell me to shut up if you want
bruh, i was legit like 'huh, does anyone else do that brain glitch where something just keeps repeating over and over, or am i just, like, broken?'
turns out it's called mental stimming, and brain glitches are normalish??
bruh, i was legit like 'huh, does anyone else do that brain glitch where something just keeps repeating over and over, or am i just, like, broken?'
turns out it's called mental stimming, and brain glitches are normalish??
Wait there's a NAME FOR THAT!?!?
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