forum mental health support chat?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

I’m sorry for how you’re feeling everyone, I really hope things begin to go uphill for you soon

Once I get my meds, hopefuly they will/].

Deleted user

I just had an anxiety attack in the middle of class in front of everyone because of a finals

Deleted user

I’m a little better now just had a really rough week. My dad had surgery and i have finals, i have my period and feel terrible, and just failed two tests. But thanks guys, you rock

Deleted user

thanks. today was the top of the hill and I only have a couple finals let to go so yay

Deleted user

I have the rest of this week and then next week until break

I also don't think I've ever felt so shit before

i am so exhausted aaaaaa

Deleted user

i'm in eighth grade and this is killiiiinngggggggggggg meeeeeeeee