forum mental health support chat?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers


thanks man. and yeah, literally all my friends have some sort of mental health issues so I don't feel alone lol. it's just talking to my family or anything that scares me

From what Red and Salty tell me, you guys live in a reactionary area, huh?

Deleted user

that must be nice haha. (well not nice but at least a bit comforting I would assume)


that must be nice haha. (well not nice but at least a bit comforting I would assume)

yeah, it can be. Other times it's a scramble to get people out of a dark hole while trapped in one yourself, but I'm very grateful for them


that must be nice haha. (well not nice but at least a bit comforting I would assume)

yeah, it can be. Other times it's a scramble to get people out of a dark hole while trapped in one yourself, but I'm very grateful for them

I know what that's like…

Deleted user

question: do any of y'all's schools do anything in the way of mental health education? mine does not.

Deleted user

that's the sucky part, because so many teens are suffering with bad mental health but no one prioritizes it!!!


Yeah, mental illness literally is treated like it doesn’t exist here. That it only happens to other people, and that there’s no such thing as anxiety and depression because god can fix everything ! That and people literally say that it can’t exist in teens. It’s fucking ridiculous


No joke! Everyone I know could've used support especially during our pbl week which was super heckin stressful causing panic attacks for a lootttt of people and everything

Deleted user

I just wish we would get something because I have mental health issues, and it would be nice not to feel so alone about it, you know?


And I'm so sick of adults saying that teenagers have no reason to be mentally ill. Like, there isn't normally a reason. It's not controllable or anything and adults saying that their problems aren't real causes more problems

Deleted user

UGh thats terrible! mental illness can happen to anyone

@HighPockets group

I'm a theatre kid, and let me tell you: I felt really alone until this year when I realized that a bunch of the theatre kids at my school have mental illnesses and now I don't feel alone anymore.

@HighPockets group

Aaaaaaaaand guess who's mental illness has gotten so bad that her parents want to pull her out of school, even though I've only missed 4 days this semester, apparently being a little tardy (like under 5 minutes late) almost every day means I 'can't handle' going to school…..