forum mental health support chat?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

question: do any of y'all's schools do anything in the way of mental health education? mine does not.



Aaaaaaaaand guess who's mental illness has gotten so bad that her parents want to pull her out of school, even though I've only missed 4 days this semester, apparently being a little tardy (like under 5 minutes late) almost every day means I 'can't handle' going to school…..

oof hopefully things work out for you

Deleted user

I have to go to a brain doctor tommorow becuase my illness has gotten worse.

Deleted user

My parents left it alone for over two months, so no, I don't belive this is becuase they want to help. I'm pretty sure this is becuase my grades are suffering.

Deleted user

Hey I might need some help later tonight. Ive been fighting my demons but it seems that they're winning now

What happened?

Deleted user

I'm getting a bunch of meds to help with anxiety, deppression, and probably my schizophrenia.


my mom keeps accusing me of relapsing and purging, but I don't even know how to purge. and is anyone else kinda okay with be sad and dead inside?