forum mental health support chat?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

come here to complain/ offer advice/ or just be supportive!!!! uwu

Deleted user

hmm well, I have APD, which makes it like really hard to be in loud places without like, freaking out. think od sensory overload but just hearing. Really loud or sudden noises can make me get really upset, which is frustrating on it's own but its even worse because my whole family really doesn't get it (even though I've been to the doctor) and doesn't understand why sometimes I don't like to be around them?
and i'm pretty sure I have depression but I haven't talked to my doctor yet or anything but it's still really not fun.
anyways I just thought a chat would be good for people

Deleted user

If you seen a doctor, that pretty much gives you permission to tell your family to get over it… you have a diagnosis so I mean, yeah.

yeah I mean they just don't..get it. like they have no idea what it's like. they know that I have I but just dont fully understand, you know?

Deleted user

yeah. also, my mom is……making mer seriously confused but I dont want to bog y'all down with my ranting.

Deleted user

aaa she's right in the room now but I will if I can later


I've got symptoms of anxiety and depression (at least from what I've been told) but I'm in a situation that makes me unable to see a doctor for anything


I've got symptoms of anxiety and depression (at least from what I've been told) but I'm in a situation that makes me unable to see a doctor for anything

I'll be your doctor!

Deleted user

tbh i'm a little scared to mention it to anyone irl because that would be like admitting there's something wrong with me (which there definitely is) but its still terrifying.

Deleted user

not at the moment no, but thanks

okay. if you ever need to talk, we're all here


thanks man. and yeah, literally all my friends have some sort of mental health issues so I don't feel alone lol. it's just talking to my family or anything that scares me

Deleted user

oh. all my friends are perfectly fine mental health wise. I feel so alone and broken.