forum LGBT+ FAM!!!!!!! UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 8 followers


Nah it's cool, I get it. I mean, I don't get much hate because I keep my sexuality under wraps (at least for most people) but it pisses me off when people discriminate against others.


Yeah, I'm kind of the opposite. I'm very very open about my gender identity and sexuality, unless I have reason to believe that my life is in danger or I'm not safe.

Deleted user

I just read the whole chat and it's great I'm a straight ally, actually Idek my sexuality yet

Deleted user

I feel like I might be straight, pan, bi, or ace. Idk, I hate thissss


Lol. I'm aromantic or straight. One of the two….

psst you can be both
you can be heterosexual and aromantic
bc romantic attraction and sexual attraction are separate things
-signed, a biromantic ace


Sometimes I wish I was aroace, or one of the two. It would make things so much easier when it comes to feelings because I wouldn't have any lmaoo just cool friendships


I still get crushes lol. I mean, not often. And I didn't have my first crush until I was 14 or 15…. and I can count the number of crushes on one hand….. but I still get nervous around cute ppl and still have crushes lol

Deleted user

I'm very, very, VERY gay. In real life but when I watch tv shows/animae's etc.etc.etc. I need to grab one guy as my bae. (AKA Ban, the Fox's Sin from the Seven Deadly Sins.)


If people would treat us like actual human beings and respect our lives then we wouldn't have any problem with treating them the same way. Unfortunately we don't live in a world like that.

Deleted user

Some of you are being so hateful. Geez, can't we all just get along?

You have a good point. Honestly, I respect people as much as they respect me. If I've come out to a friend about my sexuality, and they dislike me for it, I just avoid them and find someone better and more understanding to be friends with.