forum LGBT+ FAM!!!!!!! UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

Is anyone else here wanting to unite and block out them haters?

Deleted user

I know some people who don't like LGBT+ people and I guess I made this when I was a bit pissed at them. So……………….. I guess we can talk about LGBT+ problems, but you don't have to tell anyone is you don't want to. You can jump out of the closet whenever you want to.
I literally did that with my friend.


I hate when people make roleplays and put "no LGBT" as a rule. It makes me want to create a really awesome RP and then put "Absolutely no straight characters" as a rule lol


Oh lol that's not bad at all. I've made RPs specifically for gay people, encouraged LGBT in my roleplays, and I'm seriously considering making and RP and locking the straights out of it completely


They mean characters?
I always thought they meant that LGBTQ+ role players weren't allowed
I'm so stupid


One time I asked an RP creator if I could use a bisexual character and and she said "yeah just don't go too crazy with the bisexual part, I'm not a fan of LGBT it bothers me" and I was like "oh it's cool I get it, I don't like straight people they bother me, so I know what you mean" just to piss her off


(I've lowkey been stalking this chat but haven't commented yet but @SaltyLasaga I am amazed at and respect your pettiness. The not allowing straights in your rp ideas and also that last part "oh it's cool I get it, I don't like straight people they bother me, so I know what you mean" you're i c o n i c)

Deleted user

When people say that LGBT+ people are a THING on their hate list. ESDRFGHJI*&^%$EDCVBJU&^%RF

  1. LGBT+ people are not a THING. They are people. Just like you and me.
  2. Honey. LGBT+ is apart of your life. For all you know, your mother could be bi and your father could be pan. GET USED IT IT!!


I just don't understand why people dislike it. It's literally got NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. Just chill and let people fuck who they wanna fuck and don't get your salty ass involved in it. If you don't like it, then keep your opinions in your stupid ass brain and deal with it because it's normal and it will become just as common as people liking the opposite sex. And what about it makes you 'uncomfortable'? The sex part? The parts not necessarily going inside each other? But then, straight people having oral sex and just normal sex doesn't bother you? They're both just as uncomfortable for some people. In theory, it's literally the exact same thing. People getting naked with other people. And anyway, people usually don't allow sex in the RPs, so what's the problem? Are you uncomfortable with two people loving each other enough to fight for the right to love each other? Is that it? If you're uncomfortable with it because of religious reasons, then let's call in the mythbusters because SURPRISE! There's nothing in the bible about homosexuality. A priest at a catholic church busted the 'two men who sleep together shall be stoned' thing. It was stolen from a Greek proverb - you read that right, Greek. If you know the Greeks well enough, you know they're GAY AS FUCK. The proverb was lost in translation. It was originally 'man shall not sleep with boy lest he be stoned', talking about pedophilia. Man, if only they had Google translate back then.

Deleted user