forum LGBT+ FAM!!!!!!! UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

Oh…. Stay safe. :) I hope the fire doesn't reach your house. :(

Deleted user

I'm here and I'm super, super gay!! Well, more like bisexual. But generally leaning towards my own gender as I don't really find (most) guys the most attractive (no offense intended, just my personal preference.). Anyways, I'm ready to support anyone who needs a hug or something else, please don't hesitate to chat with me if you need anything.


Yes, of course… ideas. How 'bout a spur of the moment, we'll make it up when we get there rp? Starts at a pride parade, gay club, gay coffee house, idk I have no idea lol.


Also I finally get a break from watching my brother so I might actually be able to consistently respond to this RP if it gets made lol

Deleted user

We should make the rp really, REALLY good and then at the end of the post there should be. 'Oh. And No straight characters. LGBT+ ONLY!'


But we should. It's payback, and it's not really hurting anybody. I'm tired of getting harassed and attacked and I'm tired of the little things like not being allowed my gay characters in an rp just because "they don't believe in it and it makes them uncomfortable" like guess what hoe I'm uncomfortable with your existence buy not ONCE have I ever denied you the right express yourself in an rp or anywhere else. But that's what you've denied me. And I'm sick of it. Let's see how you feel getting a tiny sliver of what I go through in life every single fucking day.