forum Let's Talk Writing!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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@Becfromthedead group

Oh, I think I may have an idea of how to fix that now:
People know they were created by these 2 gods, but a widely held perception is that it was to somehow punish mankind for their wrongs, and that dragons are vengeful. Something like that. Still needs work…


Oh, I think I may have an idea of how to fix that now:
People know they were created by these 2 gods, but a widely held perception is that it was to somehow punish mankind for their wrongs, and that dragons are vengeful. Something like that. Still needs work…

That works!

Deleted user

wow… That's complicated.. But I think you have it handled nicely!


So what's up, Dom?
How's the story?

Pretty well. I’m having a great time doing character development in Rp.
I have a lot of things on the burner though.

Things like what?
You willing to explain them, or would you rather not?

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

My magic’s are pretty simple. They have hard rules that would be easy to understand if you could experience them, but not, in a book as well. Most sum down to power is taken from the person. In Althalos, the more you train, the more magic you can use with less power taken from your body. (Like in the beginning 1 piece of life = 1 power. Train to make 1 life = 2 power.) In Addar, it’s emotional energy that turns to pure energy that can be used in different ways. (Mostly attack with anger.) Then once they are able to access it, they have the power and it reflects the power of the emotion. They have to learn to access it through.