forum Let's Talk Writing!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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So what's your story about?

It's hard to explain, but the main character gets herself involved with a gang after seeing a fight and hearing information she shouldn't have heard. Her crush is a leader in the gang and she agrees to be her bodyguard in exchange for her life. Being involved in this gang will forever change her life.

Ah. I'm guessing lots of intrigue!

Yep! It's got action, romance, and some ghost and fantasy elements. The gang actually is involved with the ghost of death and the main character has the same burn mark as him/it… She learns a lot about her past and future as well as her crush/girlfriend's.

Wow! That's actually really original.

Thanks! An experience of mine gave me the idea.

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They really are fun to work with.
Of course so are demons!

I don't do demons…. But I do have a variety of different spirit like beings…


They really are fun to work with.
Of course so are demons!

I don't do demons…. But I do have a variety of different spirit like beings…

Why don't you give me a few brief descriptions! I'd love to hear it.

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One day, Kylee decided to write the Betrayal, to this day Kylee regrets ever writing it or thinking it was her “best work yet.”

Deleted user

They really are fun to work with.
Of course so are demons!

I don't do demons…. But I do have a variety of different spirit like beings…

Why don't you give me a few brief descriptions! I'd love to hear it.

well for starters I have the Spirits of Harmonix and Chaosae, basically guardian spirits of two very powerful types of magic. magic that is so powerful only one person in an entire generation can use it. also the two users of the said magics are known to be deadly enemies throughout history (except under very rare circumstances). Now what is really fun about that last fact is that it sets up my story cuz the current guardians are twins.

But what is very fun about the two spirits is their history!


They really are fun to work with.
Of course so are demons!

I don't do demons…. But I do have a variety of different spirit like beings…

Why don't you give me a few brief descriptions! I'd love to hear it.

well for starters I have the Spirits of Harmonix and Chaosae, basically guardian spirits of two very powerful types of magic. magic that is so powerful only one person in an entire generation can use it. also the two users of the said magics are known to be deadly enemies throughout history (except under very rare circumstances). Now what is really fun about that last fact is that it sets up my story cuz the current guardians are twins.

But what is very fun about the two spirits is their history!

That's cool! I like that!

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yeah.. having those two spirits around is a lot of fun later on… I mean they are just there, existing, for like the first book… but I plan on the second one having his role revealed with the truth about the Chaosae twin's treachery…

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The Bertrayal is something I wrote last year about an OC I have, it’s about how she looses her memory. She regains it’s quickly, the villain and said villains motives were given away early on, and I gave up on it after Emi told me how toxic it is. Thank you Emi.


yeah.. having those two spirits around is a lot of fun later on… I mean they are just there, existing, for like the first book… but I plan on the second one having his role revealed with the truth about the Chaosae twin's treachery…

That's a cool ass concept!


I have two creators called Factors who run the whole multiverse. They're both nigh-omnipotent and/or just totally omnipotent. Neither is 'good' or 'evil', but they both represent opposite things.

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yeah.. having those two spirits around is a lot of fun later on… I mean they are just there, existing, for like the first book… but I plan on the second one having his role revealed with the truth about the Chaosae twin's treachery…

That's a cool ass concept!

yeah.. Except that the Harmonix twin's son completely wrecks everything….

Deleted user

yes it is, especially when your second main character turns into a creature that didn't previously exist and creates a whole new section of the worlds history….


yes it is, especially when your second main character turns into a creature that didn't previously exist and creates a whole new section of the worlds history….

Ooooooh! I have something just like that!

Deleted user

yes it is, especially when your second main character turns into a creature that didn't previously exist and creates a whole new section of the worlds history….

That sound very interesting, I couldn’t write that.

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It came out of nowhere… quite literally out of nowhere… like most things do…


Me: I just need to know the average size of a cave spider, I'll be back to writing again in no time.
Me, two hours later, suddenly scrolling through a five-page article on the different types of caves and their effect on ecosystems: I still don't know the average size of a cave spider…