forum Let's Talk Writing!
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Oh good grief my universe is honestly just so confusing.
I'm surprised I'm actually going through with it.

You wanna talk confusing?? I can give you confusing that is so confusing even I can barely keep it straight and I'm the one who made it confusing!!

I have a universe inside of a universe inside of a universe which originated from inside a mind.
Trust me when I say I deal with confusing.

I have a multiverse where eavh universe has it's own astral plane, and there's one Heaven, one Hell, one Purgatory, one Limbo, and multiple dimensions where gods dwell. The Heavens and Hells and such all operate on different frequencies, so when someone from one universe dies, they go to Heaven or Hell. But they don't see a copy of themself.

You should try keeping track of all my characters capabilities….
And all the wolfpack histories,
AND all the random ancient spirits and their histories….
and basically everything in my world….
(Surprisingly asking me a random question about something in my world results in me being able to answer it almost flawlessly….)

Deleted user

Oh good grief my universe is honestly just so confusing.
I'm surprised I'm actually going through with it.

You wanna talk confusing?? I can give you confusing that is so confusing even I can barely keep it straight and I'm the one who made it confusing!!

I have a universe inside of a universe inside of a universe which originated from inside a mind.
Trust me when I say I deal with confusing.

I have to keep all the rulebreakers and multiple worlds and half human half something else entirely snd the WHY is this character not invincible???? several times over, Oh and don't forget the Why is this character not dead yet?

lmao our poor readers

Yes… I have no Idea how mine are gonna keep it all straight imma have to write an encyclopedia….


Yeah. I get it. I have to keep track of the High-Angels, the Hell-Princes, all the Reapers and Sowers.
Every species. Every hierarchy, every important planet and how it's societies function… I have six fictional stories and they all take place in one multiverse.
So that I can do crossovers!

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actually I think I have the potential to do a completely different story with a buch of crossovers thanks to a minor subplot character my original main runs into more than once….

Deleted user

its complicated but basically my original world as a parrallel sister realm and one of my characters ends up meeting a person from said sister realm and helping them and getting help from them and the random character from that realm keeps popping up in my half planned arc….


I know how it is. In my multiverse characters pop in and out of dimensions all the time. It's absolutely batshit keeping track of who's where and when, and why they're there. It's all composed of Layers. Which are, well, layers. Layers of space and time.
I've also got lots of Abstract Gods.

Deleted user

meh, The most confusing part is keeping track of who is related to who and how, who is royalty and who is not and who is related to royalty and how, and then who has what powers, why, and who can do what with said powers….


Oh good grief my universe is honestly just so confusing.
I'm surprised I'm actually going through with it.

You wanna talk confusing?? I can give you confusing that is so confusing even I can barely keep it straight and I'm the one who made it confusing!!

I have a universe inside of a universe inside of a universe which originated from inside a mind.
Trust me when I say I deal with confusing.

I have a multiverse where eavh universe has it's own astral plane, and there's one Heaven, one Hell, one Purgatory, one Limbo all for the whole multiverse, and multiple dimensions where gods dwell. The Heavens and Hells and such all operate on different frequencies, so when someone from one universe dies, they go to Heaven or Hell. But they don't see a copy of themself.

It all starts from a singular mind that has been fractured into five different distinct "personality pieces", each containing their own personal universe based on which piece it is. There are Champion, Mecha, Spirit, Syndicate, and Memory. Within each of these five fractures are 9 separate alternate realities, however, there only 5 inside of Memory's universe, which contains a hodge-podge mix-up of the other universes all into one place.
There is a 6th, unknown "personality piece" called Archive. Not much information is given on this besides the fact that this is where all the failed and broken universes go. Archive is nicknamed "Memory's shadow", for obvious reasons.

Each character and "genre" is unique only to their specific universe "piece". However, there are different variations of them based on which alternative they are from.

There is only one single being who knows the entirety of what is going on, as they are a representation of a "God", all-knowing and all-seeing. The reader is somewhat like a "Jesus", following around this "God" as the reader is guided and shown bits and pieces of everything contained within the "fractures" through several different book series, which will end with a single novel at the end with a first-person view of this "God"-like being. It will include this "God's" time and thoughts about the reader throughout the journey, along with hidden bits of detail about who's fractured mind created all of this.


meh, The most confusing part is keeping track of who is related to who and how, who is royalty and who is not and who is related to royalty and how, and then who has what powers, why, and who can do what with said powers….

Definitely! Creating characters with unique powers and portraying life with said powers is so natural to me, and fun!

Deleted user

Oh yeah I almost forgot that one of my characters now has a mate I didn't know about, and will have a child,
Speaking of which one of my mains ended up being a dad without my knowing and his son/mate are both from another world…
(My characters have minds of their own….)

Deleted user

meh, The most confusing part is keeping track of who is related to who and how, who is royalty and who is not and who is related to royalty and how, and then who has what powers, why, and who can do what with said powers….

Definitely! Creating characters with unique powers and portraying life with said powers is so natural to me, and fun!

Its not so much the rare powers, its more the history and "Laws" behind it that get confusing…
(How many guardians are there again???)


meh, The most confusing part is keeping track of who is related to who and how, who is royalty and who is not and who is related to royalty and how, and then who has what powers, why, and who can do what with said powers….

Definitely! Creating characters with unique powers and portraying life with said powers is so natural to me, and fun!

Its not so much the rare powers, its more the history and "Laws" behind it that get confusing…
(How many guardians are there again???)

Oh. I see. Cool!

Deleted user

yes.. my freind keeps telling me to simplify and i cant…
(also i just remembered that i have a character from another completely different world who happens to be a part of an interdemensional secret agency…..and technically she was only there for background and history purposes….)



So what's your story about?

It's hard to explain, but the main character gets herself involved with a gang after seeing a fight and hearing information she shouldn't have heard. Her crush is a leader in the gang and she agrees to be her bodyguard in exchange for her life. Being involved in this gang will forever change her life.



So what's your story about?

It's hard to explain, but the main character gets herself involved with a gang after seeing a fight and hearing information she shouldn't have heard. Her crush is a leader in the gang and she agrees to be her bodyguard in exchange for her life. Being involved in this gang will forever change her life.

Ah. I'm guessing lots of intrigue!



So what's your story about?

It's hard to explain, but the main character gets herself involved with a gang after seeing a fight and hearing information she shouldn't have heard. Her crush is a leader in the gang and she agrees to be her bodyguard in exchange for her life. Being involved in this gang will forever change her life.

Ah. I'm guessing lots of intrigue!

Yep! It's got action, romance, and some ghost and fantasy elements. The gang actually is involved with the ghost of death and the main character has the same burn mark as him/it… She learns a lot about her past and future as well as her crush/girlfriend's.



So what's your story about?

It's hard to explain, but the main character gets herself involved with a gang after seeing a fight and hearing information she shouldn't have heard. Her crush is a leader in the gang and she agrees to be her bodyguard in exchange for her life. Being involved in this gang will forever change her life.

Ah. I'm guessing lots of intrigue!

Yep! It's got action, romance, and some ghost and fantasy elements. The gang actually is involved with the ghost of death and the main character has the same burn mark as him/it… She learns a lot about her past and future as well as her crush/girlfriend's.

Wow! That's actually really original.