forum Let's talk about the most controversial shit
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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I’m not even close, unfortunately

Three years away ;u;

ooof that means you have 7 more years until you can vote for the next president right?

@Mojack group

I’ll be spectating here a little bit and maybe even voice my opinion on some stuff but I’m not even American so even if I was of age i wouldn’t be able to vote.


I’ll be spectating here a little bit and maybe even voice my opinion on some stuff but I’m not even American so even if I was of age i wouldn’t be able to vote.

We can talk about something else if you want? Sorry I'm American so I was leaning toward American topics lol


Is anybody here going to be old enough to vote in the next presidential election?

Nope. I'm not even supposed to know about politics or the existence of LGBT stuff due to my strict parents, yet here I am. Which is why I'm spectating, to learn some stuff so I don't have to feel like an idiot for my lack of education on these topics.

Well, that's good. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, and my PMs are open if you want to talk about something specific ^.^

Deleted user

I’m not even close, unfortunately

Three years away ;u;

ooof that means you have 7 more years until you can vote for the next president right?

I’m 15


I’m not even close, unfortunately

Three years away ;u;

ooof that means you have 7 more years until you can vote for the next president right?

I’m 15

oh heck wait I did that wrong, for some reason my brain thought the election was 3 years away


LGBT rights- Yes. Please. You do you boo.
Trump's presidency- See previous post
America's government shutdown- Trump is a child, and that is that. Temper tantrum and all.
Legalizing marijuana- Medical, yes. Recreational, you do you
Legalizing other drugs- Ummmm as long as they aren't lethal sure.
Underage drinking- No. No. No. And no.
The Me Too movement- Glad so many ladies coming out together to share their experiences, and glad that they are pushing for the actions to have consequences.
The Gilette commercial- I've got nothing on this.

Deleted user

LGBT rights- Yes. Please. You do you boo.
Trump's presidency- See previous post
America's government shutdown- Trump is a child, and that is that. Temper tantrum and all.
Legalizing marijuana- Medical, yes. Recreational, you do you
Legalizing other drugs- Ummmm as long as they aren't lethal sure.
Underage drinking- No. No. No. And no.
The Me Too movement- Glad so many ladies coming out together to share their experiences, and glad that they are pushing for the actions to have consequences.
The Gilette commercial- I've got nothing on this.


Pretty much my opinion on this stuff.

Deleted user

Holy deep fried cheesecake…. these are some tough subjects to work through.

@HighPockets group

LGBT rights- HECK YES!
Trump's presidency- I honestly don't even know, all of the information I see is biased one way or another, and tbh I stay out of politcal bs and news.
America's government shutdown- People need to get their shit together, if the government can be shut down by a manchild not getting his way, maybe we should work to improve it.
Legalizing marijuana- Medicinal, yes. Recreational, idk.
Legalizing other drugs- Maybe? Definitely keep teaching the bad side effects to kids to discourage them, but don't make kids who got addicted against their will or because they tried them once and intended to be done have to deal with having to go through illegal stuff.
Underage drinking- Big nope.
The Me Too movement- I'm glad we're at a point where women can come together about the stuff that's happened, and we can make the world safer for them.
The Gilette commercial- Guys who are offended by this need to grow a pair.


Alright, since this is the controversial chat, I'll just be honest here about the most controversial topic to ever hit the internet…

You know those moving image files? They're pronounced JIFs. JIIIFFFFFS. I know that's not how it's spelled, but it's not pronounced ghif, it's jif.

I know, this really is some controversial stuff

@HighPockets group

Alright, since this is the controversial chat, I'll just be honest here about the most controversial topic to ever hit the internet…

You know those moving image files? They're pronounced JIFs. JIIIFFFFFS. I know that's not how it's spelled, but it's not pronounced ghif, it's jif.

I know, this really is some controversial stuff



Alright, since this is the controversial chat, I'll just be honest here about the most controversial topic to ever hit the internet…

You know those moving image files? They're pronounced JIFs. JIIIFFFFFS. I know that's not how it's spelled, but it's not pronounced ghif, it's jif.

I know, this really is some controversial stuff


this is false

Deleted user

Holy deep fried cheesecake…. these are some tough subjects to work through.

lol hi Eris
yeah it's a lot lol sorry

I will get my strongly worded words out in a moment. :P have no fear Eris is here to debate


Holy deep fried cheesecake…. these are some tough subjects to work through.

lol hi Eris
yeah it's a lot lol sorry

I will get my strongly worded words out in a moment. :P have no fear Eris is here to debate

so am I, I'm not great at debating but I enjoy trying

@HighPockets group

On a more actually-controversial note, has anyone been following the Blood Heir controversy?

no, what's that?

It's a hot mess that I probably shouldn't have suggested because I don't know all of the details yet. Something along the lines of an author was gonna publish her book, but then another author who got an ARC read it and accused the author of racism, but barely anyone actually read the book, and the author then indefinitely shelved the manuscript.