forum Kinda looking for friends
Started by @Peter_Parker

people_alt 8 followers

@PurplePartyTiger language

What is it? produces a Mary Poppins purse
Whatever it is, I am equipped to help! Are they hurting you?
opens bag, pulls out a sword
Taste my blade! Are they sad?
pulls out a stuffed purple tiger
They can cuddle ol' Juniper here!

But seriously, if you need help, we can help! <3


Well I don't really know why she is doing it but since a couple of months she is doing really mean to me. First I ignored it a little but right now she just really hurts my fealings with how she talks to me and how she act around me.


I don't know. I asked her what was wrong and she didn't knew where I was talking about, so I axplained everything but she wasn't listening and just walked away

Deleted user

I know what you're talking about
but I don't
it helps if you keep bugging her
or ask her why she's doing it


Can you do that in a friendly way?
Not that I won't friend dumb her but I just don't want to be mean to her

If she doesn't tell you why she's being nasty just stop talking to her. If she approaches you be polite.


Sly, what if she's going through a tough time, like you said, and needs to be talked to?

Yes but that doesn't excuse her behavior

It's like using alcoholism as an excuse for abuse. It doesn't make the abuse right