forum Kinda looking for friends
Started by @Peter_Parker

people_alt 8 followers


Well I talked to her and she said she wanted to tell me why she did so mean to me. So she told me that she used me for school, because I sometimes make her homework or help her with learning tests (but she never listens to me). But she sits next to me with tests so she could look at my answers. It only went on a meaner way

Deleted user

Well hey, at least she was being honest! You should probably tell her that even though that was kinda disappointing, you're grateful for her honesty and that you would have been really confused if she kept on going without telling you. Tell her lightly that she shouldn't cheat like that to anyone again.
(Don't tell her this part)
Cheating is bad. Bad bad bad. So, part ways with someone who does it! Find new friends who don't cheat off you and you'll be better off. Trust me.


Well I talked to her and she said she wanted to tell me why she did so mean to me. So she told me that she used me for school, because I sometimes make her homework or help her with learning tests (but she never listens to me). But she sits next to me with tests so she could look at my answers. It only went on a meaner way

I've been in a situatuion like this one. My childhood friend used me then started bullying me. Just know that you have us! If you need to talk, rant, Or even want moral support, messgae me!

Deleted user

It's true that you did share some sort of friendship and she wasn't, y'know, bullying you, so you should tell a counselor but make sure to tell her you'd like to remain anonymous.

Deleted user

Wow your name is so cool and long but so cool

Thanks ^3^