forum Kinda looking for friends
Started by @Peter_Parker

people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

I'm here hello! I try to be friends with everyone! Lemmie go get Sly!!!


Hey Pete! Welcome to the site!

Thanks M!

I'm Sly the Snek Father of Notebook and I adopt everyone who comes onto the site. So if you want to have the best adopted family in the world, just ask! :D

Deleted user

Hi! Glad to have you on
I'll be your friend, if you'd like! I'm a little awkward most of the time, but…
Oh, and I would NEVER murder puppies.


Hi Peter! Welcome to the crazy family known as I hope you enjoy it as much as the rest of us do.

I'm the cinnamon roll of this site(as dubbed by Sly) and am designated ray of sunshine and giver of encouragement/advice…….(ya know when I'm not getting help for my own problems….lol)

Unfortunately I will be leaving in a few days for boarding school and most likely won't be around, but ya know, ya never know. ;)

Aight, my speech is over
Thank you for listening

EDIT: I LOVE animals I would NEVER murder anyone or anything, much less puppies.


I'm Sly the Snek Father of Notebook and I adopt everyone who comes onto the site. So if you want to have the best adopted family in the world, just ask! :D

I would love to have the best adopted family in the world