forum Kinda looking for friends
Started by @Peter_Parker

people_alt 8 followers

Deleted user

If we're introducing ourselves I'm M's (a lot of people call me that) and I'm around everywhere. Feel free to PM me or join in on one of my RPs!





@I'mWithYouUntilTheEndOfTheLine I'm also a big fan, a friend of mine chose my name because she thought I was like peter Parker only then as a girl

Deleted user

If we're introducing ourselves I'm M's (a lot of people call me that) and I'm around everywhere. Feel free to PM me or join in on one of my RPs!




But I'm nothing compared to the others in here, so heheheHEHEHHEEHEH

I usually am just here so um but if you may need help here i am

Deleted user

Emi you're great

Elliot shut up everyone else here is like

WHA so well known and i'm just like

who's a milky piggy?

me me me

@PurplePartyTiger language

whips out a mustache and puts in on
The name's PurplePartyTiger! I like to read (a lot), draw (random things, but right now, ponies), and I'd like to be pretty good at everything.





Emi you're great

Elliot shut up everyone else here is like

WHA so well known and i'm just like

who's a milky piggy?

me me me

You’re awesome too :D

Deleted user

Emi you're great

Elliot shut up everyone else here is like

WHA so well known and i'm just like

who's a milky piggy?

me me me

You’re awesome too :D

i can't stop laughiing at that oml

thanks Turtle.

i wasn't aware that you knew I existed.

@PurplePartyTiger language

whips out a mustache and puts in on
The name's PurplePartyTiger! I like to read (a lot), draw (random things, but right now, ponies), and I'd like to be pretty good at everything.




Almost forgot, I like to imitate random characters from literally anything


Emi you're great

Elliot shut up everyone else here is like

WHA so well known and i'm just like

who's a milky piggy?

me me me

You’re awesome too :D

i can't stop laughiing at that oml

thanks Turtle.

i wasn't aware that you knew I existed.

Of course i know you exist

C’mon man

I’m not that terrible of a person

… am I?

Oh well ._.

Deleted user

Emi you're great

Elliot shut up everyone else here is like

WHA so well known and i'm just like

who's a milky piggy?

me me me

You’re awesome too :D

i can't stop laughiing at that oml

thanks Turtle.

i wasn't aware that you knew I existed.

Of course i know you exist

C’mon man

I’m not that terrible of a person

… am I?

Oh well ._.

well imean i just am awkward i'm sorryyy



Sarah also likes to torture people with her writing….-_-

this is true
angst is my passion
i am both apologetic and not ;)

Yes, I am aware by now…

Though I might be guilty of the same thing…