forum Introduce yourself!
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I hate using my real name, but you can call me Felix. My friends call me Lix.
I write stories about lgbt+ people too probably because I am one.
I'm currently asexual and biromantic, although I prefer girls over boys. (I'm a female. If you have any problem with that, I'm sorry. No, I'm not Canadian either. )
I really need a place to organize my characters because I have about 50 the last time I checked. And sadly, no finished stories.
Hopefully, I will finish a story though.
I don't write in my dreams usually because some weird crap goes on up in my brain.
My favorite things are books and dark chocolate. Especially Harry Potter and all the Shadowhunters, Huge Malec fan.
Sorry, I say way too much. Anyways, happy to be here!


hey guys, im chris and im a teenage girl whos trying to make a story. its self indulgent fantasy nonsense, but it means a lot to me. theres a lot i have to add so itll take me a while because i get lazy. i hope on here i can get feedback and improve my writing!


Hi! I'm not ~extremely~ new, I joined about a week ago. Feel free to call me whatever, most people call me Celeste, or by my actual name. I'm here because world building and character development is HARD by yourself D: and this website actually made it ten times easier for me to plan everything out so I can write my book and draw my comic for it! Its actually really important to me and I think that is why I haven't given up on it yet. Also i'm pretty young so ya!

Also, If you need someone to read through your story or edit some of it, i'll be glad to help. I'm not the best at doing that yet but it sure does help to have a second eye ;D


Hi I'm sarah found this site through pinterest and thought it seemed cool. Tbh worldbuilding and character building are the most fun parts of writing so I like this site so far.

I'm writing an attack on titan-esque post-apocalyptic fantasy about dragons. should be fun.

anyways, hi.

Deleted user

Hello there!

TinyZombieKat here, but everyone can just call me Zombie.
Been writing since I was about 13 or so as therapy for a myriad of issues. I discovered my passion and a talent so i stuck with it.
Usually, I write fantasy because there is the potential to be so creative and free with ones story. Lately though, I've been on a urban/ post apocalyptic sketch and I've been loving it.
I also beta for a lot of writers on other sites because I think we writers should stick together and be supportive. There are too few books in the world my friends!! So if anyone needs a beta let me know! i'd be happy to help. :)

TZK ^-_-^


Hey all! I'm Marta. I'm really excited to have joined up here, especially seeing as it's basically brand new, I look forward to see where this goes.
I'm a cartoonist, I studied at a comic school here in Italy, and I've always loved writing stories. In the past I've always ended up writing overly-complex monstrosities that I abandon when they inevitably became overwhelming, so I'm currently focusing on short stories to build my writing muscles. I'm currently drawing a short scene of a scrapped story - I had stopped drawing for a while due to "Circumstances" and lost confidence - and this has been a good, low-pressure project to take on while I learn to juggle part-time job and obligations with making comics. I have an art tumblr where I've been posting said pages and other art:
I welcome any critiques, or feel free to drop me a line and say hi! Otherwise, I'll see you here in the forums :)


Hey! I'm Charity. I'm a teenager from the USA.
I don't remember how old I was when I started writing. I consider myself good when I manage to sit and work, problem is I have a rather short attention span and often lose motivation before I get too far. I usually write fan-fiction and occasional free-verse poems, but I'm trying to get more into dystopian/YA stories. I mostly read fiction books directed at preteens or young adults. I'm also a huge fan of musicals.
I'm hoping that this site will help me delve deeper into my worlds and characters. I look forward to meeting everyone!

@Noydian Slip

Howdy. Call me Slip, Noyd, jerk, guy, or you. Substitutions are acceptable. I'm a bearded Pathfinder GM with a few universes in their infancy. If you'd like opinions on characters or help coming up with ideas for, well, anything, I'll be glad to lend an ear and hand.


Hi there! I'm Rebecca, but you can call me pretty much any version of that name (Becca is the most common nickname I get). I'm pretty new to writing creatively; I started writing about last year. I've always thought I did well at putting words together, but the only things I used to write were essays for my classes. I hope this website becomes a valuable resource in my progression as a writer! I'm very excited to begin using it.


Heyo! I just found this site today and I'm already in love. I'm the slice of life, romance, and sci-fi type of writer, in case anyone was wondering. I've been looking around for a site like this, where I could easily, and neatly, flesh out my chaotic ideas. I just wanted to say that I'm here on the site.

:) Pleb


Hey there, I'm Georgia and I literally joined this because it came up on my Pinterest, but I thought it was kinda cool. Idrk what to say here because I can assure you, there is nothing interesting about my life as I spend the majority of it cramped up in my room like the introverted teenager I am. (P.s. It's not a phase, mom.)
Urhm, I guess my friends all say that I have a good sense of humor but Idk, I'm normally just being sarcastic and sh*t but okay then mate, (Yes, I am Australian. No, there is no such thing as dropbears.)

Urhm, Yeah, I guess that's all I have to say, so yeah, feel free to talk to me whenever because I'm pretty much always on some sort of technological device… Umm yeah,



Hi! I'm Leo, and I happened upon this site today in math class of all places! I'm a writer on Quotev (Though not a very good one because I am so disorganized!) and I've been working on a story that I would like to get published! I hope this website can help me get everything I need together.
I'm always up for a chat, or if you want me to read something you've written for helpful pointers and constructive criticism, I got your back! I love reading people's work and helping out fellow writers! So yeah..
Also I have a dog. He's ridiculously cute (:V)

@Raziel Gallephraya

Hiya, my name is Lauren, but my username is my favourite character that I've made, but people call me by her name and it's fine! uh I spend most of my time making up situations for my characters and I like creating different worlds but I have a hard time getting it all down onto paper or even typing it, I've come to this website to try and get better about getting my ideas and characters down so I can write a story and develop my characters


Hello! I'm Sky, and I've been here for a few days, but I've mostly been lurking until this point. I tend to spend a lot of time thinking about characters getting into various situations, and decided to check this website out for organization and worldbuilding. I really like this site so far (though I'm keeping most of my stuff private for now until I feel confident about it), and I think I'll stick around for a while.


hey yall I'm DuneMadGirl I own a horse and am an equestrian I love writing and a currently working on a mystery/love/horse story so yeah that's me


Hello! I'm Orion and I've only been on her for a little bit, just a few days I suppose. I'm still working on putting my characters on here (which may take a while because I'm gonna have to wrack my brain to get the little details). I've been developing my worlds for a few years now and I can't wait to share them with you all!
I like fantasy and futuristic sci-fi stuff, so you're gonna see a lot of that from me. I have many diverse races and characters and if you want to Roleplay i'm always open! If someone would be nice enough to show me the etiquette and rules of Roleplaying here, that would be amazing.


Hi! My name is Icely, and I'm new here. I always have these stupid ideas in my mind. I'm so weird, and I love meeting new people. Have a nice day!


Sup, I'm Alex and it's probably about time I introduced myself. I generally write fantasy and paranormal romance, though I work on fanfiction in my spare time. I'm a self-identified nerd with a huge love for D&D, shiny dice, and anything I can get my hands on to read. Currently working out a plot for characters I've had for years, and I'm just starting to get a little more active in the forums. Cheers!


(Figure I might as well:) Hey, I'm Mish. ^-^
I'm a female procrastinator who will randomly disperse big words in my everyday writing (Unless I'm lazy, then I abbreviate the heck out'a everything), has a hatred for semi-colons (because I don't understand them), uses emoticons because I can't seem live without them, and spends almost all of her waking hours on the internet.
I don't write very often because I don't consider myself to be a very good writer (despite taking numerous writing classes and advanced English courses in the past), but I'm glad to help out any new writer in any way I can! ^-^
My writing interests range from fanfiction to historical fantasy, fluff to gorey-action-adventure–or for a more succinct description: Just about everything besides crack fics and angst. ^-^
Have a nice day!


Hi! Call me Ravens. My only experience with writing novels was in 2017 when my seventh grade Language Arts class participated in NaNoWriMo, but that went well so I thought I'd write another novel, because why not. If you are in the PJO/HoO/ToA/MCGA, HP, Hamilton, Divergent, TFIOS, Dear Evan Hansen, The Hunger Games, Leverage, Psych, The Librarians, Miraculous Ladybug, or the Lunar Chronicles fandoms, you can follow me on Tumblr @xthreeravensx and on Pinterest at Three Ravens, or just use the link:

Book recommendations are welcome!

Love to all,


I'm Estela, I just found this site in pinterest and think: yeah, why not? xD
I really like creating characters, but I'm really messy :c
Hope to make some friends here :3
PD: I'm not an english native speaker, so, If I make some mistakes I'm sorry :c . I speak spanish btw, so If you too: Háblame! soy buena gente XD :3


Hullo! I'm Adi. I'm an online artist and web comic creator! I do draw more than I write. I've been working on this large story since I was 12 (currently 16) and found through Pinterest/ Tumblr and it's been so helpful! HO]ope to make some friendos~!♥