Hello guys, I'm Melissa! Since I first discovered webcomics (like 7-8 years ago) I desperately wanted to make one of my own and I've written lots of ideas that have SLOWLY evolved into the webcomic I want to make. I'm currently trying to flesh out the comic but since there are so many characters and plot points I need a place to store them all so here I am. I found notebook.ai through tumblr and it is such a life saver, like omg??? I finally have a place to properly write down what comes to mind (I usually did it in apple notes, aka a terrible place for story ideas). I like sci-fi, magic, and fantasy so hit me up if you have interesting stories in those genres ;)
Hi I'm Meggie, I just started today to write and it feels great honestly haha, kinda stressful to see that so many people here are used to writing and role-playing so I feel a little left-out but I'm sure that my writing skills will evolve. I'm open for any tips and recommendations !
Hi Im Jenn and I am just starting with working on long formats I have been focused on and published poetry. Hoping to improve my skills in here.
Hi, I'm Elizabeth! I'm working on a fantasy story that I've been developing since senior year of high school that I'm using this website to help organize, because there are a lot of characters involved in it, even though half of them are minor characters. I'm also creating art of the story on my tumblr, check it out if you're interested: https://zodiac-sign-universe.tumblr.com/ I'm still working on my writing skills, and I definitely know there are areas that I can improve on. I'm mostly attracted to fantasy writing because I find it so creative! Feel free to send me a message if you wanna chat about whatever!
Heyyyyy, I'm Actinium, but you guys can just call me Acti. I think I've been writing on and off for about… Five years now? When I first started out, I kinda mostly wrote as a distraction and just as a thing to do. Plus I saw it as an alternative to drawing since, at the time, I couldn't draw (or more accurately, I didn't try to draw. I've only been practicing since June 2017). I have an issue when it comes to committing myself to stories that span multiple chapters as I usually get burnt out midway through or before I even start. As of today, I think I've only ever finished one chaptered story.
Before I get to anything else, I just wanna get this out of the way. I'm a nerd. A lot of my inspiration for writing, worldbuilding and characters comes from the music I listen to, most of it stemming from one artist in particular, named Klayton, or better known as Celldweller, Circle of Dust, Scandroid and FreqGen. Been listening to him for four years and honestly I don't think I'd be where I am now without him and his music because of just how much I've written based off of his work.
Aside from music, I'm really into horror, all kinds of it, but I think my favorite kinds of horror would have to be psychological horror, sci-fi horror and a category of horror I like to call "weird, creepy shit." Things like the SCP foundation, Lovecraftian Horror, etc.
Anyway, I think this has gone on enough, soo yeah! Looking forward to interacting with other people here!
Hi I'm Gale. I've been writing for a while, and even entered a writing contest once. (I didn't win anything hahah) I like to draw and write stories that can end up being quite violent. I'm also and otaku and artist, though I have a strong passion for writing that I'd like to pursue. I'm pretty young, but I think I can still be successful with my writing. I mostly write fantasy and dystopian thriller/ sci fi kind of thing with a tiny bit of romance sprinkled in.
Hey there! I'm Agape and I've been writing for ages, it's one of my big passions. I love creating worlds and stories and little intricate things about them. I'm also a dungeon master for D&D and I love making homebrew campaigns so in that is a lot of world building! i heard of this site and hopped onto it immediately.
If you ever wanna chat nerd with me, i'm always up for it!
Heya! I'm Bec. I saw a link for this website on a tumblr post and signed up after seeing it as a great way to organise ideas. I'm not all that experienced to be honest, so I recognise a lot of room for improvement. I love creating more than writing, in that I'm struggling to actually write my plots down as oppose to just creating wild and detailed stories in my head. So hopefully this should help.
I want to be able to use this platform to interact with others as well - I'll chat about whatever, so feel free. :)
Hey, I'm Ollie. I found this in a tumblr post and this is the best thing I've ever seen. I write a lot but my ADHD gives me a lot of trouble keeping track of ideas for too long because I think so fast, so this really helps me stay organized. I like this a lot and I would absolutely love to talk with other people about my writing so I mean, talk to me? Might be worth mentioning I'm only a kid, so keep it light unless I bring a certain topic up.
Hi I'm Z! I saw this website on Tumblr and decided to give it a go! I have many, many stories that i need to write down, and stop keeping them all in my brain. It's nice to have an organized space to put everything down on! I write mostly sci-fi things with a nice pinch of fantasy. :>
Hey, I'm Caleb. I've been using Notebook.ai off and on for a while now, but really started digging into it recently. I'm constantly building new ideas and worlds that need a good place to be organized, and so far notebook has done that for me.
yo i'm Richie, found this cool website thanks to tumblr
helps me with my lack of organisation and it's kind of an exercise since i'm not a native english speaker. i'm currently working on a webcomic and i need to keep track of all my characters and some other stuff B)
Hi guys, I'm Lapyn! I'm yet another person who heard about this site from tumblr, and well… here I am now. xD Fictional characters are sort of my passion; coming up with them, their worlds and stories is just something fun for me ♥ I'm grossly clutter-minded, though, so I don't usually know where to start with things. NB has been useful so far 8D I'm a bit of a loner, but feel free to hmu on tumblr if you want to be a nerd with me or something. xD
Hi, I'm Alex and I write Fantasy. Sci-fi, and fanfiction. I heard abput this site from a friend and tumblr. Im heavy on world building, and I love reading.
Howdy, everyone, my name is Asriel. I'm building a world that is a mix between the universe of Sonic the Hedgehog, and the universe of Undertale.
I really love drawing, writing, and so much more. You can also find me on tumblr if you like (https://thatundertalesinner.tumblr.com/), and ask me random questions if you like.
That's all for now. Bye~!!!
Hello, I'm Joshua and I'm writing two stories right now. I can't decide which I like more, and this site will help me organize my notes between the two universes. If anyone is interested, one is a space opera (think Star Wars) while the other one is a high fantasy (think LOTR).
Hey-o, I'm cherry! I've always been interested in worldbuilding, but I've never really figured out a good way of organizing my thought. I found this site through tumblr, and I'm super excited to start using it!
Howdy. I'm Shira! I've been building worlds and writing stories for a few years now, but due to some personal issues stopped completely. BUT! I found this site on tumblr, and it made an tiny bitty spark! I hope this site will do the trick and rekindle the FLAMES OF CREATION (tm).
Have a magical day/night~!
Hello everyone, I just started DMing a D&D 5E campaign and am notoriously bad at keeping my notes and information in line, so I thought this looked like a perfect way to fix that. I'm super excited to expand on my worldbuilding skills and hope to learn a lot from my time here.
Hi, I'm here on notebook.ai to organize my notes about my stories, since I like to do a bit of prewriting. This place helps me organize stuff.
i'm a cami (i did that for the sole fact that it's a palindrome). i found this site on tumblr (follow me?? http://kaxzbrekker.tumblr.com/) and it looked to be one of the most convenient ways to keep track of all my stories and characters (i'm writing the third novel in a trilogy and i keep forgetting things that happened in the other two). i've been writing as long as i can remember, but a few years ago i decided my new year's resolution would be to write every day (up till then it was whenever the inspiration struck) and since then i've managed to write two novels in less than two years and the third is finally getting somewhere! i wrote them by hand in many many notebooks so now i have to type them up and edit them and then…go live on an island in ireland with a bunch of sheep and cats and a wife where i can just write all day.
Hey, I’m Krista, a serious Pinterest addict and hopeful author. I like to work in a variety of different genres, from thrillers to speculative fiction. Of course, I’ve never actually finished any attempts to conplete a book, mainly due to the fact that I procrastinate as much as the day is long (my best ideas come somewhere between 10:00 and midnight) and am terribly unorganized. This site looks like it’ll be a good motivator to fix both of those issues!
Hi, I'm Ellie. I'm a Pinterest addict, a hopeless dreamer, and a nobody author that only dreams of publishing books. I found this on Pinterest yesterday and so… out of curiosity I searched and I found this. I'm really excited to see what I can do! Finally, found something that's organized and cleaner than google docs! Usually, you can find me reading or writing a book, or on Pinterest. Mostly, trying to ignore my homework.
I am trying to follow my mom's footsteps as becoming an editor. So if you have any books you want a helpful opinion on, I'm here and I don't charge. so please contact me at my email if you wish for someone to look over your book. I prefer to have books that are fantasy or romance or adventure. I don't really like super sexy books or books that have cuss words every other word.
If you're interested please contact me at: secretlytinkattack@gmail.com
Hi there, I'm Nina :). I found this site floating around on Pinterest today and decided to try it out! I love creating worlds and characters but I'm absolutely terrible at writing them down, resulting in tons of unfinished stories and ideas. I hope that notebook.ai together with my giant OneNote file will help me to finally complete a story!
P.S. please correct my English if necessary, it is not my first language ;)
Hello! I go by many names online, but Broken Princess will do. I am your garden variety fantasy and science fiction writer looking for some ways to organize all my ideas. I'm looking for some like-minded individuals who can help me out with my writing problems.