forum Introduce yourself!
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Hey! I am Anna Lynn and I am a writer on ! I love writing and I feel I am good at it, even if my first few works weren't very excellent. I would love for you to come to me with prompts for characters, landscapes, universes, or items!


Hi everyone, my name's Lauren. I'm currently working on revising a rough draft of a novel of mine. My sister introduced me to this website from Pinterest and I can say I've never felt so at ease with world building. It always seems to stare me in the face with how much there is to comprehend and build. Here I feel I've really developed a lot and am excited to keep on going. I'm excited to meet likeminded people, as it seems hard to out here in the real world. I'm always up for discussing books, especially in the Sci-Fi genre as that's my area of writing.

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Sup. My name is Madeline and I'm currently going through some old ideas and unfinished books of mine. If you have any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them.


Hey, I'm Poppy but you can call me whatever you want! except for Georgie - will not respond to Georgie but I will definitely respond to Lilou! I write bits and pieces around but haven't ever been motivated enough to finish something yet! hopefully will now!


Yo! I stumbled upon this website through a Pinterest post and I needed help writing a story idea I've had for awhile. I'm an artist more than I am a writer so I've been working with comics. My stories revolve mostly around nature, fantasy, psychology, and overall just anything aesthetic! I don't ask that many questions, but I love answering them so beware of my comments because they'll definitely be there!


Hello, My name is Sydnee. I am a fiction writer, who is working on her latest novels and looking for a place to organize all my crazy ideas. I am also hoping that, maybe from time to time some of you wise-minded beings can help me out with any of my writing problems or blocks.


Hey everyone, my name is Brian! I've never really been great at "writing", but what I am good at is coming up with stories. I've got a bunch of different stories of all kinds floating around in my head, and I'm using this site to actually start jotting some stuff down for my stories.

I'm also learning how to draw, even though right now I'm not that good, and my goal is to eventually put together a team of other writers and artists and form our own webcomic studio!



Of course, I'm writing a book. I don't write for any reason except that I want to read the stories in my head.

Just joined as well. So far all I've done is enter in my main characters info, but since I've already written down SO much about the world and characters and such, I doubt I'll us for more than compiling characters and maybe locations. I found a Worldbuilding Bible template from an editor that I've been using, and it's been really helpful (a bit over detailed, so it's unnecessary to fill it all out, but it can definitely inspire creativity).


Hello, world! The name is Celia and I'm a writer who has too many ideas jumping around in my brain.
I just joined yesterday and I'm loving it. My stories' backstories are really complicated and a place to organize my thoughts is godsent.
If anyone wants to help my writing by proofreading, I won't refuse! Also, a writing buddy would be an early Christmas for me.


Hey! My name's Alyssa. My friends just call me Lyss. I've been writing for a couple years but don't have any finished work. I joined yesterday and I'm super excited with the help it's been to spark new ideas. I write mostly fantasy, a little sci-fi, and some fanfiction (all clean stuff). I love talking over stories and finding new writers to brainstorm with. Glad to be here!


Hi, I am the Void. I go through a billion ideas a week so I hope this site will help me get them out. Expect stuff from lots of genres. :)


Hi, I'm Anix … just glancing around the forums before I return to frantically trying to organise all the scattered information I have on my fantasy universes …


Hello folk! I'm M, also known as studiomnivorous. I've been exploring a particular world, The Inbound Lands, for some years now, gathering clippings and seeds during game sessions, collaborations, and conversations. (For the curious, you can play the first chapter as an interactive fiction game at, or follow the weekly wiki entries on

Problem is, I keep coming back to the writing desk only to find various elements doubling in size while I've been away. Before I get completely buried (even consumed) by this literary flora, it seemed prudent to find a better shovel and give these the proper transplant they deserved, in a place they could thrive in somewhat orderly rows. As I move into future chapters and sidequests, I'd been searching for a decently useful organization method as well as a community, and it looks like this might be a lovely solution to both.

I love to talk worldbuilding shop and throw ideas around, so feel free to wander in to and say hello at any point, stop me on the forum road to ask challenging questions, or simply sit back and enjoy a bit of wordfood with me at one of the Citadel's many wanonbrehi'ce.

Happy travels, and delightful to meet you all, -m


Hello! I’m Not You. I hope I don’t have to say anymore about myself; that was pretty self explanatory. But I am a new author, and if you have any tips, I will take them!


Hi everyone! I just joined up today. I'm AlyssaMorpheusLov on Wattpad, and generally write fantasy things. I'm very new to basically everything here, and would greatly appreciate any help!


hello everyone
i'm Lillybeth, but you can call me Lilly or Beth, whichever you like best :)
I'm currently writing a Thriller and as i like to be organised i searched for something and found this pretty little website :)

If you have any question just write me.


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Hi! I'm Alice. I just got my account today. My friend, a fellow writer, introduced me to it. I started writing last year and I love it. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :)


Ello!!! I am me! I got my account yesterday and I love it so much. I am into mythology and I have always wanted my own pantheon and this is the perfect place to get started. I will be writing a collection of short stories based on my gods and their world. Go check it out if you like!

Peace out,

I'm Titanja, but this is just how my brother calls me. I am a proud young writer from Germany. I write since I am able to write. My stories are Fantasy and Science Fiction aaaaand… yes, I am nerd (especially for Star Wars) I am about to write my first book, so, I hope I find some help and can help others around here. Hey guys, everybody at this site is cool.


This site is a gift from Jesus Christ himself.

Call me Jackie, maker of memes and breaker of dreams. Found this kinda by accident, but I can't believe I didn't hear about it sooner.

I'm basically in that awkward phase between fanfiction and actual stories, and this website is gonna make the jump a hell of a lot easier.

Liya Thomas

Hello my name is Liya,but I go by Eie. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Harry Potter,Stranger Things,Flash Pretty Little Liars (the books) and dark chocolate!


I'm Freshmaiden, a friend recommended this site to me, and I'm already in love with it.
I love drawing, writing and worldbuilding. I'm currently working on a story that I plan to make into a webcomic, and this has been (and is) so useful for sorting out the setting and characters and so on, since I've always been really unorganized with my notes and sketches, and it really helps to have everything laid out in a structured way.
I'm rambling, just wanted to say big thanks for creating this!


Hey everyone! You can call me Eafae. I just found this website but I am SO excited to start using it! I write primarily Historical Christian fiction and Fantasy because why choose? My first novel is going to be about Rahab but I'm working on an urban fantasy world as well that is going to combine about 20 dreams I have had. My favorite authors are Patricia Briggs, JK Rowling (of course), Tessa Afshar, Ted Dekker, and Holly Black. I hope to get to know y'all and collaborate with some of you!


im ari
ive been trying to better my character development and worldbuilding skills
i write fantasy stories that feature mostly queer/lgbt+ people of colour, or anyone that doesnt get enough proper representation
maybe while using this i'll actually finish a story for once lol