forum If you don't have a soul
Started by @Cough_Syurp

people_alt 36 followers

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Well hi, welcome to the rant about life (which is basically what it turned into because of my fingers)

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Heyo, I don't think positively… Unless you count me being cheerfully morbid.

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But I’m still in the mindset that the economy is going to slowly die into a deep depression leading to at depression where it’s hard to get jobs and basically get any means of income where even more people are out of jobs.

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life is pointless, just actions stretching between the beginning and the end..nothing meter and yet, everything does.

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i dunno, it just does. Like a piece of music is just made of notes, you know?

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What about love?

Love is a completely useless emotion.
Actually, most emotions are useless.


What about love?

Love is a completely useless emotion.
Actually, most emotions are useless.

You sure? Because love is what makes us strong. Love is what makes me and others want to become stronger to protect and care for those I hold dear. Love is what makes this world a better place because it's what drives our actions. See most people think that thoughts are what drive us. But truly if we were just thoughts we'd be computers made of flesh.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I think this kind of depends what you believe. If you think there is a higher power then likely your life3 has meaning. If not, your life is completely your own, but it's really not worth anything except if the worth is created by the mind if humanity. (What do you think Shuri?)


Well it's one of the most important things. And it's not just an emotion. And it is the reason many things happen.

Dom-kun is right. Can you imagine a world without love. Love is what causes our regard for life and the lives of others.


I think this kind of depends what you believe. If you think there is a higher power then likely your life3 has meaning. If not, your life is completely your own, but it's really not worth anything except if the worth is created by the mind if humanity. (What do you think Shuri?)

I'm unsure as to whether there is a Higher Power. Whether it be one God/Goddess, many deities, or simply an abstract force. Or maybe nothing at all. But to me it doesn't change anything. Most of humanity sucks but there are rare individuals like you, Dom and all the people here on this site, who are truly amazing!

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Well it's one of the most important things. And it's not just an emotion. And it is the reason many things happen.

Dom-kun is right. Can you imagine a world without love. Love is what causes our regard for life and the lives of others.

Gotta agree with that.

Deleted user

What about love?

Love is a completely useless emotion.
Actually, most emotions are useless.

You sure? Because love is what makes us strong. Love is what makes me and others want to become stronger to protect and care for those I hold dear. Love is what makes this world a better place because it's what drives our actions. See most people think that thoughts are what drive us. But truly if we were just thoughts we'd be computers made of flesh.

I think love needs to get the fuck out of my life.
It's not wanted or needed.


What about love?

Love is a completely useless emotion.
Actually, most emotions are useless.

You sure? Because love is what makes us strong. Love is what makes me and others want to become stronger to protect and care for those I hold dear. Love is what makes this world a better place because it's what drives our actions. See most people think that thoughts are what drive us. But truly if we were just thoughts we'd be computers made of flesh.

I think love needs to get the fuck out of my life.
It's not wanted or needed.

That's cool.


Alright, I'll start this list: (Some things are copy/pasted straight from their sources, others are written myself but with facts from the sources and whatnot)

  • Between 1980 and today, global access to safe water sources has increased from 58% to 91%. Improving water sources worldwide is integral to reducing poverty and increasing food security. (Source)
  • The amount of 1-year-olds receiving one or more vaccinations a year has increased from 22% to 88%, thus resulting in way fewer cases of diseases among children. (Source)
  • On the topic of disease, the number of people suffering from polio has decreased by over 99%, with only 22 reported cases in 2017. This is extremely important to me because my grandpa had polio at 12 years old and was told he likely wouldn't make it, but if he did he'd never be able to walk again. By some miracle, he managed to survive and is still fully capable of walking despite having more broken bones and surgeries than I have siblings. (Source)
  • Also on the topic of disease, we are closer to finding cures for cancer than ever before, with millions upon millions of people working their hardest to find effective treatments and hopefully eradicate it. (Source)
  • Racist, homophobic, sexist, and offensive behavior is indeed dropping, it may not be at an all-time low but it's still wonderful knowing we're on the right path. (I had a source for this one but the link was broken for some reason, so you'll just have to take my word for it until I find the article again.)
  • Poverty (specifically child poverty) has hit record lows in the US. (Source)
  • Cats exist. You don't need a source for this. The world cannot physically be that bad if we humans are blessed with such amazing companions.
  • On the topic of amazing animals, the population of pandas, crocodiles, panthers, and many other endangered species are on the rise. (Source1) (Source2) (I have many other sources to back this up, those are just a couple of them)

I can think of many other things but I forgot I was writing this and left it for hours and now I'm too deep into Reddit memes to do research, so accept this list for today and I'll add more tommorow

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Maybe the world should help Africa move forward in technology instead of leaving the, to be behind everyone suffering.