forum If you don't have a soul
Started by @Cough_Syurp

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Hi. Shall we talk about how life is pointless and how none of us make no signifcant mark on the world, wasting time doing things that won’t matter in the future to distract ourselves from the worlds negatives, only to die in a way that will make others miserable, repeating this cycle until the earth is destroyed.

Deleted user

Us humans are slowly ridding the world of all its natural resources, slowly killing off all animals in sight for our petty needs, killing environments, polluting the sky, overpopulating locations. We are the true cause of all death to humanity, and we don’t even care. One day all of us will die to the death of all resources, and or the explosion of the sun.

Deleted user

Yeah, like start a war over killing other people, stopping slavery (which wasn’t actually stopped world wide but it’s an upside even though people still discriminate others for colored skin which is stupider then Cool Cat Saves the Kids’ writting.), show independence, elect Donald Trump as president (not a good thing), accept the fact that the border isn’t the fucking problem for the constant drug use since you can order that shit online, Fortnite(POSSIBLY THE WORST EVER THING TO HAPPEN TO MY LIFE OH MY FUCKING GOD I HATE IT SO MUCH), In app purchases that are not DLC, Derek Savage spreading npmisinformation on the FairUse law in America, Article Thirteens exsistence, cancer, overpopulation, and many more. You act like the world is just all positive which is a good mindset to have but reality hits like a truck when you realize how fucked up our society is, and yet our laws can sometimes be the stupidest things to exsist, we can’t just turn back time and make a perfect world that everyone wants, even if society would ‘save’ the world by changing everyone’s actions, that still doesn’t mean someone would rebel against it seeing that no world is perfect to everyone because people are little pieces of dog shit that can’t be greatful for anything because parents can’t raise children. My point stands.


There are good people, bad people, and decent people. The world isn't all bad, just because all you see is constant flaws being yelled at you through the news doesn't mean this is a bad world, it's actually very beautiful when you stop and look at it. I'll get some sources of the amazing things happening in the world in just a moment

Deleted user

I don't think that all the good things we have done can overpower the bad things we've done.

Agreed, sure we may have ‘saved’ society in some ways, but in other ways we made it even worse.


I don't think that all the good things we have done can overpower the bad things we've done.

Agreed, sure we may have ‘saved’ society in some ways, but in other ways we made it even worse.

I think the good things way overpower the bad, but that's just my biased opinion

Deleted user

Who gives a fuck if I’m a minor and weirdly enough have a better vocabulary then my parents, or if I’m just a minor knowing very much about basically all video game companies, or if I’m a Christian that kind of goes against my own religion by being a lesbian and supporting others who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community. My opinions will be spoken, you can disagree, I really don’t give a shit, but my opinion stays my opinion until someone convinces me other wise.