forum If you don't have a soul
Started by @Cough_Syurp

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So stop telling me just because I’m 14 years old that I can’t talk about this stuff, it needs to be addressed sometime in someone’s life, kids need to know that the world isn’t all sunshine’s and rainbows, life can stab you in your intestines throwing depression, family deaths, friend deaths, horrible injuries, bullying, kidnapping, rape, sexual cheating, pedophila, bad cringey movies cough Emoji movie cough.

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Not to mention all the trouble people suffer just to support themselves keeping them and or their families alive. Life isn’t great, it’s painful. You will go through pain, you can’t avoid it. It doesn’t matter if you’re thismcolor, it doesn’t matter if you believe in this religion, it doesn’t matter if you’re in a cult, if you’re smart, dumb, gay, lesbian, disabled, if you believe in god, satan, Cool Cat Saves The Kids Being the best movie ever created. You can’t avoid Breakups if you love someone, or heart breaks. You can’t avoid deaths of family members, friends, yourself. You can’t avoid something’s like witnessing rape, pedophiles, kidnapping, murder, racial discrimination p,, sexuality discrimination, Hell, even fucking religion discrimination exists. You can’t avoid this stuff, so stop trying to act like the world is better then it really is, sure positives are good to recognize, but that’s not all the world holds, believe it or not every time a positive comes, a negative usually hides underneath then attacks when everyone’s used to it.

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You can believe the world is good, I won’t stop you, but at least recognize all the torture some people are unlucky enough to experience. You may not experience it, but others do. You might be talented, but others aren’t. And if anyone fucking tells me I’m just a hypocritical piece of edgy shriek reincarnating looking trash I’ll tell them fuck you my opinion, don’t you shove your opinions down my throat if you’re just going to discriminate any opinions I have. At least I look at other sides of situations before jumping to a conclusion, and I don’t trust most humans! You be happy with whatever the fuck you believe in, but at least accept that the world isn’t perfect. I’m done.

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Hmmm. Interesting. What's the worst thing anyone has ever gone through in this thread?

The death of the only person stopping me from killing myself in the 6th grade for discrimination for not being a pretty smart perfect makeup wearing model student instead being a a video game loving boy looking tomboy who hates humanity. Yes, I almost tired to kill my self in the sixth grade for bulking. Others probably tired it to, it’s not fun to get discriminated for being yourself. I’m glad he was there for me, because I deserved to know that they don’t matter if they are just a mindless shit who had worse grades then me, probably a shitty home inviorment, and can hardly go a day without putting others down. I’m glad I didn’t turn into a mindless bully, picking on people who aren’t the perfect person everyone wants. This is why I missed so much of 6th grade, this is why I hid it from my parents, this is why my grandfather was my guardian angel, stopping me from doing things I didn’t have to do. Rest in piece grandfather, at least he isn’t suffering his sickness anymore…


See. I've gone through some serious shit. Kylee knows part of it. So does Ella. And in one month (this January) I lost three people who were close to me. TWO OF WHOM I WAS PLANNING TO PROPOSE TO!, and one of whom, was a friend's dad. Not to mention I've taken the wrap for shit I haven't even done this past month as well. I could go over a million reasons big and smsll as to why my life sucks.


I can go over just as many reasons as to how my life is great! Like I have an amazing best friend, I'm a total badass, and I'm reasonably successful! The world is a wonder you guys, with amazing things, that you have never scene. It isn't the human way to just give up and let everything take you over. Humans are supposed to fight and struggle for what we desire most no matter what. Humans are stronger than we know, we have the ability to truly change the world.

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6th grade was probably the worst year of my intire life. If I killed myself then, I would have never met Emi, god knows what every other one of my friends with about to kill themselves issues…. me not exsisting probably would have got my only real friend in 6th grade who actually tired to kill themself dead. I never would have met Destiny, Emi, my other friends at Smithsburg, I never would have seen that people could be extremely nice even in a school inviorment, I would have made my sister Clarasa probably kill herself succsessfully, disincurage my brother and mother, make my grandfather even worse. I guess my life did have a use after all. Now I hate myself less.


6th grade was probably the worst year of my intire life. If I killed myself then, I would have never met Emi, god knows what every other one of my friends with about to kill themselves issues…. me not exsisting probably would have got my only real friend in 6th grade who actually tired to kill themself dead. I never would have met Destiny, Emi, my other friends at Smithsburg, I never would have seen that people could be extremely nice even in a school inviorment, I would have made my sister Clarasa probably kill herself succsessfully, disincurage my brother and mother, make my grandfather even worse. I guess my life did have a use after all. Now I hate myself less.

That's the spirit!

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Being more negative: the human population while half might try to help, the other half won’t and it won’t move us forward, maybe making the situation a bit worse. At least everyone has a better life. I never wanted all my mistakes, I’ve done some fucked up shit in the past, some things out of anger and sadness. I remember I was truly happy in elementary school where I met some good people. I’ll never forget them, I’ll never forget my friends from 6th grade who helped me out. I’ll never forget how greatful I am that god gave me two extra years with my grandfather, who was supposed to die in December of 2016. I’m greatful that I have loving parents who fully support me, I’m glad to have a brother who’s spunky and energetic to the point of being fully insane. I’m very greatful to the people in my life who helped me through bad things, I’m very greatful for Emi, god knows how much she means to me… so I’m saying of course I think of the positives, the entire reason I haven’t killed myself is because of the positive and my grandfather. Don’t think I’m just an edgy teenage girl with no morals. I may be depressed and have other issues, but I’ll stay with Emi as long as she needs me to. I’ll follow her to hell and back, I’ll never leave her side, even if I have to kill others. I’m truly happy with Emi and Jesse, that will never change. Hey look I’m being positive.

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It’s healthy for people to think positively, but to much positivity isn’t healthy.


Being more negative: the human population while half might try to help, the other half won’t and it won’t move us forward, maybe making the situation a bit worse. At least everyone has a better life. I never wanted all my mistakes, I’ve done some fucked up shit in the past, some things out of anger and sadness. I remember I was truly happy in elementary school where I met some good people. I’ll never forget them, I’ll never forget my friends from 6th grade who helped me out. I’ll never forget how greatful I am that god gave me two extra years with my grandfather, who was supposed to die in December of 2016. I’m greatful that I have loving parents who fully support me, I’m glad to have a brother who’s spunky and energetic to the point of being fully insane. I’m very greatful to the people in my life who helped me through bad things, I’m very greatful for Emi, god knows how much she means to me… so I’m saying of course I think of the positives, the entire reason I haven’t killed myself is because of the positive and my grandfather. Don’t think I’m just an edgy teenage girl with no morals. I may be depressed and have other issues, but I’ll stay with Emi as long as she needs me to. I’ll follow her to hell and back, I’ll never leave her side, even if I have to kill others. I’m truly happy with Emi and Jesse, that will never change. Hey look I’m being positive.

I'm proud of you for this.


You can believe the world is good, I won’t stop you, but at least recognize all the torture some people are unlucky enough to experience.

At least I look at other sides of situations before jumping to a conclusion, and I don’t trust most humans! You be happy with whatever the fuck you believe in, but at least accept that the world isn’t perfect. I’m done.

Oh, I'm aware that the world is far from perfect, it's impossible to escape the bad things when all you hear about is people complaining that the world is at it's low and life is depressing. But despite knowing about all these awful things, I still keep my hopes up. Maybe I trust people too much, maybe I'm an idiot who's never really felt pain, and maybe I'm just a terrible human that can't accept when anything bad happens because I'm stuck in such a happy, privileged life. But I've witnessed so many miracles, so many happy lives, so many wonderful things that I can barely see the negatives anymore.


You can believe the world is good, I won’t stop you, but at least recognize all the torture some people are unlucky enough to experience.

At least I look at other sides of situations before jumping to a conclusion, and I don’t trust most humans! You be happy with whatever the fuck you believe in, but at least accept that the world isn’t perfect. I’m done.

Oh, I'm aware that the world is far from perfect, it's impossible to escape the bad things when all you hear about is people complaining that the world is at it's low and life is depressing. But despite knowing about all these awful things, I still keep my hopes up. Maybe I trust people too much, maybe I'm an idiot who's never really felt pain, and maybe I'm just a terrible human that can't accept when anything bad happens because I'm stuck in such a happy, privileged life. But I've witnessed so many miracles, so many happy lives, so many wonderful things that I can barely see the negatives anymore.

You can at least acknowledge that rhough!


It’s healthy for people to think positively, but too much positivity isn’t healthy.

Well, it looks like I'm starting to push the boundaries of healthy, but I'd rather be blindly happy than have to go back to that awful, depressed state I was in all through 2017 (and most of 2018)

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Oh you know God is real. Miracles do happen. My Grandfather would have been dead during the 6th grade which would have probably pushed me to suicide. My parents call it spending more time with him, I call it saving my life. They don’t know about how I felt in the sixth grade, I don’t want to tell them out of fear that they’ll send me to Brooklane thinking I might try now that he’s dead… I don’t have the confidence to tell them about it.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

I thought I was going to need to swoop in. Good job Nutella for bringing your sparkly bubbly personality here. And thank you Shuri for both understanding pain and evil and still being able to tell others why it's still good to be alive.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

It’s healthy for people to think positively, but too much positivity isn’t healthy.

Well, it looks like I'm starting to push the boundaries of healthy, but I'd rather be blindly happy than have to go back to that awful, depressed state I was in all through 2017 (and most of 2018)

Dang puberty can be rough.