forum I Don't Think I'm Helping You Guys...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Shuri, what are you talking about? You're an amazing helper, and everyone here appreciates you so much. Don't be to hard on yourself.


Hey, about your friend, not being able to help someone isn't the same as doing harm. Sometimes you'll fail, and it's really hard, especially when you love that person and hate to see them hurt, but it it's never your fault for their mental issues, believe me, even though it feels that way.


Unfortunately it was my fault.
I gave her bad advice and it put her in the hospital. But it's fine. I've done more good than bad for her and she wasn't in much physical danger…


Oh my goodness well I'm really happy her girlfriend has helped her then, and that does indeed sound like a fitting title.


What do you get in fights about?

I mostly beat the shit out of the gangs where I live, as well as racists, xenophobes, sexists, homophobes and transphobes as well as people who I genuinely dislike but I'm usually civil.
Just in extreme cases.
Which unfortunately happen a lot where I live


Ah, a real life vigilante I see. You said live in Russia, right? Or am I remembering wrong

No. No. We were on vacation there.
And I'm no vigilante. Just a naturally pissy guy.