forum I Don't Think I'm Helping You Guys...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Sudden events have lead me to question my usefulness in the world and on this site… I am afraid that I'm not too good as a helper…

I'm sorry for any trouble I may have caused you guys… I really am…


Shuri, everybody here appreciates what you do. We all recognize that you're here for us all and that means so much, at least to me.
With that being said, you can't save everyone. There are people who are either too far gone or won't accept your help and that is beyond your control. Don't beat yourself up for it.


yeah, you have no idea how much you really help. you're a wonderful person, and I know a lot of people on this site would be way worse off without you


Shuri you've helped me get out a dark spots quote a few times just by being there. There hasn't been a single moment in my life where I dont appreciate all that you've done for me and others.


I dunno Jensen…

Shuri, I'm serious. It's not your job to save everyone, no matter how much you want to. And trust me, I know how much it sucks when you see somebody you're trying to help just get worse and worse but getting upset and blaming yourself helps no one. If you're trying to help people and they aren't 100% happy, that's not your fault. You're not obligated to help anyone but you still do, and I know you're putting your best efforts into it, and that's what matters most.


and it's not that you aren't helping, everyone just has problems. and that's not going to change, because life's a bitch. but that absolutely does not mean that you aren't helping, because you help a lot of people


We'll see how it goes…
If worst comes to worst and all I just want you guys to know that for you… And for all the times I've saved this person's life…
I'll be able to keep living… Even if just barely…


Look you're always there for us and it's not like being here for us depressed beans is your job or anything. You do it out of choice and you do it wonderfully. You help a lot of people and your little forum games and reminders of positivity are amazing. I know that I can talk to you if I ever need to.
And hey look if you're not doing so well, we're here for you too. You can PM me if ever need be.


I have put the task on myself… But it is also still my job… I've only made this message because I'm prepared for the worst and I just wanted to tell you guys that if that does happen… Well… I might be in rough shape for a while… Maybe even the rest of my life…


Sometimes I want to flick you in the forehead and give you a hug at the same time. We love you, okay Shuri? We're all here for you and you've helped all of us so much. Please remember that.