forum I Don't Think I'm Helping You Guys...
Started by @Shuri-the-Floof-Doggo

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Shuri, I don't know who you are, where you come from, what you look like, or the things you do in your day to day life, and that's ok. It's ok because in a weird way I love you, not love like Tony and Pepper, love like T'Challa and your namesake Shuri. You say the best things and you are always there when we need you. You are always open to help with other people's problems, and when you are feeling down, the LEAST we can do is help you back up. I think I speak for everyone when I say that you have influenced our lives, even if only by a little, and we love and appreciate you as though you were our family. Peace, Love, and Happiness my dude/dudette. ❤✌

Edit: And you know what? Sh!t is always going to happen in life, and it doesn't matter who's fault it is. Its a part of being on this earth as a human being. We have struggles and we live through it until the day we lay down and die. Circle of life, my friend.


My user isn't a reference to Black Panther. It's a reference to shuriken. The throwing weapon.

But thank you, CharBar. You're not so bad yourself. You give some really dank advice and you're definitely a big help on the site.
You're awesome!


My user isn't a reference to Black Panther. It's a reference to shuriken. The throwing weapon.

But thank you, CharBar. You're not so bad yourself. You give some really dank advice and you're definitely a big help on the site.
You're awesome!

clutches chest
Oof that hit my right in the feels.
Thanks Shuri
(And I had no idea that Shuri meant Shuriken ooooooooof forgive me)


if it makes you feel any better, on another chat I'm on someone told me to tell them some funny things that have happened in my band class (we are a special group) and here are two of them

please tell us the worst that has happened

there were many things, and I really don't know what was worse, so I'll give you two:
Our first year we had an intruder on campus drill and my class was in the band room. This being a new school for most of us, we had no idea what we were supposed to do, since most hand't been in a band room during this kind of drill. So, naturally, we just kind of stood there, some kids got under chairs and some tables, trying to hide and whatnot, but then the band teacher came out of the office and noticed that the vast majority of students were just standing around like a bunch of useless paperclips. He litterally smacked the whiteboard and yelled "What do you think you're doing? Do you want to get shot? Hide! Act like you've done this before!" And everyone started to find places to hide in the class. And trust me when I tell you that if you give a bunch of freshmen students a huge bandroom with dozens of cabinets and crawl spaces that will make themselves g o n e. Within a matter of minutes, our entire class had hidden themselves in the trombone cabinets, the stand carts, the low woodwind cubbies, and in every possible dark corner that may or may not be portals to dark dimensions. There were two juniors in our class at that time who both played the trombone, and instead of hiding they both stood on either side of the band door holding their instruments. A kid who played the flute and was hiding inside of the percussion cart asked them why they weren't hiding and one of them just looked her dead in the eye and said "Since neither of us have any regard for our lives, if the intruder comes in her we have been instructed to beat them to a pulp with our instruments." And like half of the class started to laugh, but the girl in the percussion cabinet just kinda looked at them concerned before proceeding to lock herself in the cart.

Then there was the time that a rat got itself stuck in a sophmore's sousaphone. This kid must have eaten before class a lot or something, because the only reason a rat would have the mindset to go into a shiny metal tube would be for food. The rat, after failing to escape, died of suffocation. The problem was nobody even knew about it until the homecoming football game. We were in the stands playing "Eye Of The Tiger" before the football team came out, and we were doing a suspiciously good job. In the tuba/sousaphone section there is a part of the song where they like to play the notes at fffffffffffffffffffffffff, which is fine with everyone else because we like to get the crowd hyped. We were almost to that point in the song, and everyone was getting progressively louder to try and compete with the tuba/sousaphone's volume, and the crowd was going n u t s (football is really big where I live, so for a band to get a crowd this hyped was as essential as writing your name on a test). The conductor raised his arms to signify the beyond blastissimo part that was bout to come, and everyone hit the notes with all their force. Then you just hear this sound like a cork being popped out of a bottle above the rest of the band and some people stopped playing and then you heard screaming because this sophomore literally BLASTED the dead rat out of his sousaphone and the rat flew onto the football field and the cheerleaders started screaming and the sousaphone player started screaming and basically everyone was screaming.


So I had my friend who I don't see much come over to show him my new katana. And I wanted to show my best friend too. So I called him over to my house for a surprise right?
I hear a knock on the door and approach it with my katana in my belt loop, partially drawn.
It wasn't him. It was a UPS person. So I open the door and he like… Jumps back right?
Nearly falls off my porch. And I sign the thing and take my new blender. And he just stood there watching me as he got to his truck…
It was hilarious at the time…


So I had my friend who I don't see much come over to show him my new katana. And I wanted to show my best friend too. So I called him over to my house for a surprise right?
I hear a knock on the door and approach it with my katana in my belt loop, partially drawn.
It wasn't him. It was a UPS person. So I open the door and he like… Jumps back right?
Nearly falls off my porch. And I sign the thing and take my new blender. And he just stood there watching me as he got to his truck…
It was hilarious at the time…

That is beautiful


Guys I… I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me…

Now my friend is having a severe anxiety attack and again it's all my fault…

I keep trying to help but I just keep fucking up. I'm considering leaving this person for their own good… But if I do they'll blame it on themselves I know they will… I love them more than life itself…

I'm sure they'll be fine but just… Still…


maybe you just need to ask them directly the things that give them anxiety so you can try and avoid doin those things? I know I personally have a bad habit of not realizing someone's about to get upset, so I have to ask people a lot how to avoid accidentally upsetting them


Well I… Something happened earlier and I got hurt but instead of lying to them about why I needed to take a few minutes to myself I was an idiot and told them the truth…