forum Hunger Games Sim! (No more people can join but y'all can spectate!)
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group


NutElla receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Red and Midnight huddle for warmth.

Shuri, Kylee, Loki, Grace, and Mochi sleep in shifts.

Logan Paul, Obama, and Jake Paul cheerfully sing songs together.

Soup Nana receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Thor receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Reggie strangles Jesse with a rope.

Pewds tries to treat his infection.

@soupnana group


Midnight stalks Kylee.

Pewds, Jake Paul, Mochi, and Obama track down and kill Soup Nana. (RIP myself… ;-; I trusted you Pewds…)

NutElla thinks about home.

Thor runs away from Shuri.

Red goes insane and commits suicide, thinking that rather than jumping off a cliff, they were skydiving.

Reggie injures himself.

Grace begs for Logan Paul to kill her. He refuses, keeping Grace alive.

Loki mines for diamonds.

@soupnana group

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 12

Soup Nana ;-; (Cue For The Damaged Coda music)
District 1

District 2

@soupnana group


Pewds dies trying to escape the arena.

Logan Paul lets Obama into his shelter.

NutElla destroys Thor's supplies while he is asleep.

Shuri quietly hums.

Kylee, Midnight, Grace, and Loki tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

Mochi severely injures Reggie and leaves him to die.

Jake Paul climbs a tree to rest.

@soupnana group


Mochi eats bread.

Jake Paul constructs a shack.

Thor sits in a field of daisies while eating munchy Fritos.

Shuri finds a redrider BB gun and accidentally shoots his eye out.

Obama stabs a sheep with a stick for wool.

Midnight tends to NutElla's wounds.

Grace receives fresh water from MrBeast.

Loki and Logan Paul hunt for other tributes.

Kylee practices her archery.

@soupnana group


Logan Paul, Kylee, and NutElla cheerfully sing songs together.

Midnight questions her sanity.

Obama climbs a tree to rest.

Shuri dreams of Thor.

Mochi tries to sing herself to sleep.

Jake Paul receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Grace starts a fire.

Loki tried to swim in lava and lost all those diamonds.

@soupnana group


Midnight sits in a field of daisies while eating munchy Fritos.

Mochi is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Obama trips and falls into a pond and gets a severe rash on their face from the bacteria filled water.

Thor steals from Kylee while she isn't looking.

Logan Paul overhears Jake Paul and Shuri talking in the distance.

Grace sprains her ankle while running away from NutElla.

@soupnana group


Shuri receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Jake Paul tries to treat his infection.

Kylee fends Thor, Mochi, and Obama away from her fire.

Grace screams for help.

Logan Paul defeats Midnight in a fight, but spares her life.

NutElla thinks about home.

@soupnana group

Lol. Guys, I have no control over this, so if in the sim you end up committing suicide, don't @ me.


Grace searches for a water source.

Midnight is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Jake Paul begs for Kylee to kill him. She refuses, keeping Jake Paul alive.

Shuri dies from blood loss resulting from a severed radial artery by Thor.

Mochi receives fresh water from MrBeast.

Logan Paul throws a knife into Obama's chest.

NutElla punches a tree to get some wood.

@soupnana group


OBUNGA NO!! It should have been the other way around.


Kylee mutters in her sleep.

Jake Paul, Midnight, Mochi, and Grace form a suicide pact, killing themselves.

Logan Paul and NutElla track down and kill Thor.