forum Hunger Games Sim! (No more people can join but y'all can spectate!)
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group

So I am doing this weird hunger games simulator thing on this weirdo website, and I have added all of my Notebook friends plus a few others. The main point of this is just to see everyone's reactions to what happens. I will tell you what happens, bit by bit, and so yeah… that's it. lol. Also, please note that this is entirely random based and I do not control what happens! If you or any one else dies or jumps off a cliff or something, that is entirely fiction based and for entertainment purposes only! May the odds be ever in your favor.
Let the Games Begin!!!

@soupnana group

Grace grabs a plasma pistol from the cornucopia before running away.

Jesse clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kylee grabs a backpack, only to soon realize it is filled with burger king foot lettuce.

Thor rips a mace out of Steve Carell's hands.

Reggie runs away with a lighter and some rope.

Jake Paul laughs hysterically as Mochi and Rvan fight over a basket of bread.

Red runs away from the Cornucopia.

Peridot runs away from the Cornucopia.

NutElla finds a package of sprite cranberry.

Starlight runs away from the Cornucopia.

Midnight grabs a jar of fishing bait while Loki gets fishing gear.

Nick Cage clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Pewds finds a book full of the best Webtoons and runs off into the forest to go read it.

Tiramisu grabs a plasma pistol from the cornucopia before running away.

Logan Paul runs away from the Cornucopia.

Soup Nana grabs a backpack, only to soon realize it is filled with burger king foot lettuce.

Shuri runs away from the Cornucopia.

Obama finds Snowy hiding in the cornucopia, but Snowy kills him.

@soupnana group


Mochi is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Loki camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Soup Nana, Peridot, Midnight, and Kylee hunt for other tributes.

Shuri goes hunting.

Grace punches a tree to get some wood.

Thor runs away from NutElla.

Tiramisu sings an opera solo for andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer). andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is impressed and shares supplies with him

Jesse poisons Reggie's drink. He drinks it and dies.

Rvan chases Starlight.

Pewds constructs a shack.

Red goes hunting.

Steve Carell defeats Snowy in a fight, but spares her life.

Logan Paul defeats Nick Cage in a fight, but spares his life.

Jake Paul questions his sanity.

@soupnana group


Peridot is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Loki and Starlight tell stories about themselves to each other.

Pewds and Shuri talk about the tributes still alive.

Tiramisu and NutElla run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Rvan cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Kylee looks at the night sky.

Thor passes out from exhaustion.

Red cries herself to sleep.

Logan Paul thinks about home.

Mochi thinks about home.

Jesse attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) quietly hums.

Jake Paul fends Soup Nana, Midnight, and Snowy away from his fire.

Grace, Nick Cage, and Steve Carell discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

@soupnana group


Starlight receives a sprite cranberry from MrBeast.

Snowy chases Red.

Grace makes a slingshot.

Jake Paul falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Steve Carell diverts Jesse's attention and runs away.

Thor thinks about home.

Shuri and Soup Nana work together for the day.

Kylee is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Peridot sprains her ankle while running away from Midnight.

Pewds goes hunting.

Nick Cage, Mochi, Loki, Logan Paul, and andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) hunt for other tributes.

NutElla collects fruit from a tree.

Tiramisu collects fruit from a tree.

@soupnana group


Loki lets Red into his shelter.

Mochi tends to her wounds.

Logan Paul attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Shuri, Starlight, Steve Carell, and NutElla sleep in shifts.

Thor starts a fire.

Tiramisu goes to sleep.

Snowy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Midnight cries herself to sleep.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), Nick Cage, Kylee, and Pewds sleep in shifts.

Grace and Soup Nana huddle for warmth.

Peridot lets Jesse into her shelter.

@soupnana group


Loki searches for a water source.

Pewds, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), and Thor unsuccessfully ambush Jesse, Logan Paul, and Tiramisu, who kill them instead.

Midnight becomes depressed and seeks the company of Grace, who turns her away and ignores Midnight adamantly.

Snowy punches a tree to get some wood.

Kylee discovers a cave.

Steve Carell receives fresh water from MrBeast.

Peridot, Soup Nana, and NutElla successfully ambush and kill Red, Nick Cage, and Starlight.

Shuri receives a sprite cranberry from MrBeast.

Mochi receives a sprite cranberry from MrBeast.

@soupnana group

6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 9

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
District 7

District 10

District 2

Nick Cage
District 8

District 6

@soupnana group


Tiramisu, Shuri, and Logan Paul track down and kill Loki.

Midnight destroys Grace's supplies while she is asleep.

NutElla receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Kylee starts a fire.

Mochi and Peridot talk about the tributes still alive.

Soup Nana receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Jesse climbs a tree to rest.

Steve Carell tries to treat his infection.

Snowy thinks about winning.

(Also, I am sorry to inform everyone that I now must go eat dinner. Heh heh. Sorry for the cliffhanger! We will continue later!)

@soupnana group

XDDD I am the exact opposite Grace.
NOW LET US CONTINUE!! (Just a little bit cause I got family that forces me to socialize sooo….)


Shuri stabs a sheep with a stick for wool.

Soup Nana is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Tiramisu constructs a shack.

Snowy stabs NutElla with a tree branch.

Grace trips and falls into a pond and gets a severe rash on their face from the bacteria filled water.

Jesse mines for diamonds.

Mochi receives fresh water from MrBeast.

Steve Carell makes a slingshot.

Logan Paul punches a tree to get some wood.

Midnight questions her sanity.

Kylee goes on a cannibalism spree and kills and eats Peridot.