forum Hunger Games Sim! (No more people can join but y'all can spectate!)
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group

The winner is Soup Nana from District 1!


@soupnana group


The Bloodbath
Obama finds Snowy hiding in the cornucopia, but Snowy kills him.

Day 1
Jesse poisons Reggie's drink. He drinks it and dies.

Night 1
Rvan cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Day 2
Jake Paul falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

Night 2
No deaths occurred.

Day 3
Pewds, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer), and Thor unsuccessfully ambush Jesse, Logan Paul, and Tiramisu, who kill them instead.
Peridot, Soup Nana, and NutElla successfully ambush and kill Red, Nick Cage, and Starlight.

Night 3
Tiramisu, Shuri, and Logan Paul track down and kill Loki.

Day 4
Snowy stabs NutElla with a tree branch.
Kylee goes on a cannibalism spree and kills and eats Peridot.

Night 4
Logan Paul, Jesse, and Shuri get into a fight. Jesse triumphantly kills them both.
Midnight falls into a pit and dies.

The Feast
Soup Nana decapitates Steve Carell with a sword.

Day 5
Mochi sets an explosive off, killing Tiramisu, and Snowy.

Night 5
No deaths occurred.

Day 6
No deaths occurred.

Night 6
Grace begs for Soup Nana to kill her. She reluctantly obliges, killing Grace.

Day 7
No deaths occurred.

Night 7
No deaths occurred.

Day 8
Jesse taints Mochi's food, killing her.

Night 8
Soup Nana stabs Jesse with a tree branch.

Day 9
Soup Nana stabs Kylee in the back with a trident.
The winner is Soup Nana from District 1!

@soupnana group


  1. Soup Nana
  2. Kylee
  3. Jesse
  4. Mochi
  5. Grace
  6. Snowy
  7. Tiramisu
  8. Steve Carell
  9. Midnight
  10. Shuri
  11. Logan Paul
  12. Peridot
  13. NutElla
  14. Loki
  15. Starlight
  16. Nick Cage
  17. Red
  18. Thor
  19. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
  20. Pewds
  21. Jake Paul
  22. Rvan
  23. Reggie
  24. Obama

@soupnana group

District Placements

  1. District1
  2. District3
  3. District12
  4. District4
  5. District7
  6. District8
  7. District5
  8. District11
  9. District2
  10. District6
  11. District10
  12. District9

@soupnana group

I was fifth! Yay! That's pretty good for begging someone to kill me I guess..

Agreed! You would have won had you not given up. And I had not killed you…

@soupnana group

XD Okie dokie! Rerun time!

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Steve Carell runs away from the Cornucopia.

Rvan runs away from the Cornucopia.

NutElla runs away from the Cornucopia.

Reggie grabs a backpack and retreats.

Soup Nana runs away from the Cornucopia.

Starlight, Nick Cage, and Loki work together to get as many supplies as possible.

Snowy runs away from the Cornucopia.

Obama runs away from the Cornucopia.

Tiramisu and andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) fight for a bag. Tiramisu strangles andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) with the straps and runs.

Kylee runs away from the Cornucopia.

Shuri clutches a first aid kit and runs away.

Peridot runs away from the Cornucopia.

Pewds runs away from the Cornucopia.

Jake Paul runs away from the Cornucopia.

Grace runs away from the Cornucopia.

Mochi runs away from the Cornucopia.

Logan Paul runs away from the Cornucopia.

Jesse grabs a backpack, only to soon realize it is filled with burger king foot lettuce.

Midnight runs away from the Cornucopia.

Thor punches Red in the sniffer for a backpack.

@soupnana group


Obama thinks about home.

Peridot discovers a cave.

Shuri receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Kylee receives fresh water from MrBeast.

Thor tries to spear fish with a trident.

Mochi tries to sleep through the entire day.

Jesse and Pewds work together for the day.

NutElla discovers a river.

Jake Paul begs for Steve Carell to kill him. He refuses, keeping Jake Paul alive.

Midnight makes a slingshot.

Soup Nana mines for diamonds.

Reggie tries to spear fish with a trident.

Loki, Red, and Tiramisu start fighting, but Red runs away as Loki kills Tiramisu.

Rvan, Nick Cage, Snowy, and Starlight form a suicide pact, killing themselves.

Logan Paul stabs a sheep with a stick for wool.

Grace receives fresh water from MrBeast.

@soupnana group

6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
District 7

District 3

District 5

Nick Cage
District 8

District 7

District 6

@soupnana group

RIP guys. RIP.


Soup Nana shoots an arrow at Mochi, but misses and kills Steve Carell instead.

Loki, Thor, Jake Paul, and Reggie sleep in shifts.

Shuri, Red, Pewds, and Logan Paul sleep in shifts.

Kylee mutters in her sleep.

Grace sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Jesse kills Peridot while she is sleeping.

Obama lets NutElla into his shelter.

Midnight receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

@soupnana group


Midnight defeats Logan Paul in a fight, but spares his life.

Shuri tries to spear fish with a trident.

Reggie tends to Kylee's wounds.

Jesse stabs a sheep with a stick for wool.

Red tries to sleep through the entire day.

Thor questions his sanity.

Obama sings an opera solo for Loki. Loki is impressed and shares supplies with him

NutElla is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Grace steals from Mochi while she isn't looking.

Soup Nana attacks Jake Paul, but he manages to escape.

Pewds tries to sleep through the entire day.

@soupnana group

Lol same. I almost added T-series but that means they'd have a chance at winning. Not letting that happen.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Steve Carell
District 8

District 2