forum Hunger Games Sim! (No more people can join but y'all can spectate!)
Started by @soupnana group

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@soupnana group


Kylee quietly hums.

Logan Paul, Jesse, and Shuri get into a fight. Jesse triumphantly kills them both.

Soup Nana screams for help.

Mochi looks at the night sky.

Midnight falls into a pit and dies.

Snowy tries to sing herself to sleep.

Grace talks to a tree.

Tiramisu and Steve Carell talk about the tributes still alive.


I really think I could win :) I'm smart and tough and pretty strong for my height and age. Plus I'm good with weapons and I know how to survive in the wild. :)

@soupnana group

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Mochi stuffs a bundle of dry clothing into a backpack before sprinting away.

Tiramisu decides not to go to The Feast.

Kylee destroys Grace's memoirs out of spite.

Jesse decides not to go to The Feast.

Soup Nana decapitates Steve Carell with a sword.

Snowy decides not to go to The Feast.

@soupnana group


Mochi sets an explosive off, killing Tiramisu, and Snowy.

Kylee hunts for other tributes.

Soup Nana camouflauges herself in the bushes.

Jesse punches a tree to get some wood.

Grace finds a redrider BB gun and accidentally shoots her eye out.

@soupnana group

6 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Logan Paul
District 11

District 5

District 4

Steve Carell
District 8

District 3

District 7

(Wow… Shuri, Tiramisu and Snowy all dead… this is getting intense.)

@soupnana group


Grace questions her sanity.

Soup Nana questions her sanity.

Jesse receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Mochi receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Kylee mutters in her sleep.

@soupnana group


Grace sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Jesse sprains his ankle while running away from Soup Nana.

Kylee mines for diamonds.

Mochi tries to sleep through the entire day.

@soupnana group


Kylee receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Grace begs for Soup Nana to kill her. She reluctantly obliges, killing Grace. (Oh I am so sorry Grace….. I really am so so sorry…)

Jesse receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Mochi questions her sanity.

@soupnana group

Again… sorry…


Jesse sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Soup Nana defeats Mochi in a fight, but spares her life.

Kylee eats bread.

@soupnana group

Oh lawdy there is so much tension… XD


Jesse taints Mochi's food, killing her.

Kylee sings an opera solo for Soup Nana. Soup Nana is impressed and shares supplies with her
(Lol. Some of the events that I made myself are weird)