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@saor_illust school I was on a writing camp

welcome to notebook !!!!

i remember first learning how to rp on there-
i hope you'll have fun here as i did !!

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Upon the recommendation of a friend, is how I found this site. It seems pretty cool!

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I found this site the other day on Pinterest. It was mentioned in a screenshot of a Tumblr post.


I was looking for alternatives for character/worldbuilding apps/sites on and I liked how this looked


a youtuber I watch was sponsored by world anvil but I had to pay to keep my work private. I looked up alternatives and I stumbled upon

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I found you guys while searching for places to share fandoms besides Tumblr and somehow found you… via Tumblr lol. I just saw a post about you, I'll have to find it but I just checked your site out and it seemed cozy so I created an account!

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

a youtuber I watch was sponsored by world anvil but I had to pay to keep my work private. I looked up alternatives and I stumbled upon

Yeah we don’t like W*rldanvil around here


Friends and I were discussing in a conversation and the name came up, so I decided to check it out! Eventually, I made an account.

@squiddicus language

I was googling some writing stuff online - I think it was probably Best Tips for Writing Fantasy or something like that, and a website I was reading mentioned something called It's safe to say I immediately became obssessed and I have never looked back.

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My friend Mackenzie told me about this place after we both found out that you had to pay to use Story-Wars (When it was still alive)