@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin
Hello everyone! How'd you stumble upon us? :)
Hello everyone! How'd you stumble upon us? :)
I found notebook.ai via a reddit comment.
@andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) cause you mentioned it on facebook a while back. It's really been helping keep my crap together.
Haha, happy it's been helpful! :)
Through NaNoWriMo last year, somehow. Must have been mentioned somewhere in the forums, I don't remember :D
i found notebook by an add on quora
I found it in a the Discord for the worldbuilding reddit. I don't use reddit, but the Discord resources chat often provides helpful sites like this one.
I found this place while randomly scrolling through Google, with the intent of finding something like this.
On tumblr, while I had no intentions to⦠well, find anything at all. Anyways, I'm glad I have. I've been looking for something like this for years :D
I found it on tumblr also
Also tumblr haha
Tumblr. I immediately sent links to friends.
Friend shared it on her discord server.
From a post by Tumblr user Canaries. It had 28k notes at the time, so I'm sure a lot of people have bookmarked it for a later time, or have already joined notebook.ai!
i was looking at the tumblr page for an artist i like and they reBLOGged (derp) a post about this site
guess you'll have to get used to the influx of us tumblr kids haha
posted in a discord server i'm in with some pals. i was reminded to join when i saw the tumblr post though.
So much Tumblr! Welcome, everyone! :)
@Rixael Looks like it's up to 65k notes now! :D
I stumbled upon it on Tumblr. It seemed fun, and it definitely is!
Suggested in a writing group. Just started looking around, but I'm loving the organization!
Found it on reddit. I really hope this community gains momentum.
found it on tumblr, it seems awesome so far!
Social media. I'm gonna recommend it to my friends, though.
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