forum How did you find
Started by @andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

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Kathleen Ann

I was at a friend's sleepover and we were bored. She told me about this site and I'm like welp ok
I was hooked wow
i love y'all :)



I found through Pinterest. Just casually scrolling and boom a post (save?) about it and it seemed interesting to me and here I am.


I found this site while I was looking for an alternative to charahub. Someone from another forum recommended it, and so far it's a biiiig step up from being just an alternative.

Deleted user

I was looking for a place to store my ideas, and I saw it pop up on a post on Pinterest.


I honestly don't remember

I remember now, I was looking for codes and someone recommended to join instead. I never found an invite code for, but I am very, very happy with this site.

Deleted user

am I the only one who found it on Pinterest
(I'm not a mom but I still use it)

(I use Pinterest too and I'm not a mom either)

(Same here)