forum Hierarchy of hell (chat for anyone) [open for all!!]
Started by @VinegarSoup group

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@Serenity88 group

I was a wendigo for then Halloween Haunted Forest thing, I can professionally be creepy and loud now! apparently I was the fan fave, too😎 ill get pics up when I can, idk
my voice is shot, my feet are sore, I have a headache, my hair is a disaster and I had so much fun! Im real exited to do it next year, but with more ideas and better ideas and lots more work in our backgrounds. all the adults who went through with their Lil Bittys said we were like actually good with our acting.
I was running around so much, cause I had to hit three spots😭 greet them at the entrance and tell them our rules, then run to a spot just after the third actor (a captured and bleeding mermaid, screaming in pain and wailing for help) to be mad that the travelers didnt heed my warning about entering the forest. lastly I had to goo to the end to declare how disappointed I was that everyone survived and to tell them 'and dont come back! we wont you leave a second time… at least, not in one piece!' then run off in the woods cackling to greet the next group. I was severely complimented on my fit😎

@Eli-the-transboi group

:) I try to sleep as much as I can. the only problem is is that I have insomnia and have to wake up at 6 for school. and with the current stressful crud going on, it's making me very physically ill to where sleep does absolutely nothing. but I do need to drink water so I will be doing that.

@Serenity88 group

Hello! I'm new to notebook so hi

hallo, new creature! im the soupstick master! I can do anything with chopsticks cause im crazy and have too much time on my hands! 😃

@Serenity88 group

hey, is there anyone that I could please possibly vent to? I've been kinda shitty lately and I just need to talk 2 somone

you can always vent to me, but I might not see it for hours😃


yoooo, guys! i just remembered i can share good news with a group now!

guess who's on track for an adhd diagnosis!

WOOO! Be cArEfUl, soon you'll be diagnosed with anxiety too!


hey, is there anyone that I could please possibly vent to? I've been kinda shitty lately and I just need to talk 2 somone

Better to share things with strangers who don't know enough to judge :)

@jeffery-the-bunny- wc

me bcs my hair is hairing but it's a school day so I have to tie it up 😭

aww. my hair always looks so good in the morning but that darned crusty school air makes me look like a rat